Breatharians Akhai & Camila present *Alegria* TV Show #1-Breathe into your Greatness*
Breatharians Akhai & Camila introduce their new internet TV show on breatharianism, energy empowerment, meditation, and spiritual knowledge.
Breatharians Akhai & Camila introduce their new internet TV show on breatharianism, energy empowerment, meditation, and spiritual knowledge.
Breatharians Akahi and Camila offer messages, prayers and meditations of Love to Mother Earth in this 3rd internet TV episode of Alegria*.
Camilia Castillos and Akahi are two well-known breatharians living in South America. For over 2 years, Camila and Akahi have lived without eating physical food. Now they are expecting to have a child together as they continue to live as breatharians. Camilia Castillos and Akahi may be the first public breatharian parents in human history!
Learn about Breatharianism by two of the world’s most well known breatharians Akahi and Camila in the 2nd episode of their internet television show Alegria*.
In this 33 minute video on breatharianism, world-famous breatharians Akahi and Camila Castillos talk about the science behind pranic consciousness. Recorded at the Nutopia Gathering of the Rainbow Warriors.
Camilia Castillos is the wife of Akahi. Both Camilia Castillos and Akahi live as breatharians – people who no longer eat physical food for energy. Breatharians live on chi or prana – the Universal energy that exists everywhere. In this 2-part video, learn how Camilia Castillos experiences her life as a breatharian. Learn how she and Akahi transitioned from a vegetarian diet to fruitarian to breatharian.
Breatharians Akhai and Camila present episode #4 of there internet television show Alegria*. This episode features Dr. Edith Chan, doctor of Oriental Medicine. Learn about energy, meditation and symbols that activate our inner light code.
This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.