Welcome to the Sunlightenment listings for Sun Gazing and Suyra Yoga groups and information websites. Below you will find a list of Sun Gazing and Surya Yoga groups organized by location. To add your own Sun Gazing or Surya Yoga group to our list, please contact us. === Sun Gazing & Suyra Yoga Official Websites ===
- Solar Healing – Official website of Hira Ratan Manek.
- Solar Healing – Official website of Hira Ratan Manek in Italian.
- Soorya Yog – Official website of Sooryaji.
- Sun Yoga – Website of Sunyogi Umasankar.
=== Online Groups ===
- Yahoo! Sungazing group
- Yahoo! ORMUS and Sungazing group
- Yahoo! Sungazing and healing by sunlight group
- Yahoo! Sungazing: The HRM Method group
- Breatharianism Google group
=== International Groups ===
=== North America Groups ===
- – Nueva Ciencia Solar/ Sun Gazing
=== South America Groups ===
- Hira Ratan Manek en el Peru
- – Hira Ratan Manek – El Mensajero Del Sol
- Sungazing Chile
=== Europe Groups ===
- – French sun gazing website
- – BALCANIAN sungazing site on serbian and croatian language
- – German sun gazing website
=== Asia Groups ===
===Australia Groups ===
This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008 at 5:52 pm and is filed under .
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cd2012 said:
on July 8th, 2010Hi, do you know if there’re other Sungazers in San Diego, Ca?
Thank you.
SunYogi Reply:
July 8th, 2010 at 1:44 pm
No I do not. There are some sun gazing groups online. You should ask there. You can find the link at the top of my website. Click “GROUPS”