January 29th, 2025 by SunYogi

In this article Dr. Soram Khalsa states “As a board certified internist, I have chosen, for the last 30 years, to take a personalized approach in my practice of integrative medicine. I have worked with literally hundreds of herbs, vitamins and dietary supplements, to help my patients, often when drugs did not work. In all this time, I have not seen one nutritional supplement that has the power to affect human health as much as vitamin D. This is because Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin – it is a hormone that has the ability to interact and affect more than 2,000 genes in the body.”
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January 12th, 2025 by SunYogi

The follow-up article by New Autism Cure takes a deeper look at the current modern autism and vitamin D deficiency research. More scientific evidence is presented and links to other vitamin D websites and publications are provided.
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January 9th, 2025 by SunYogi

Recently Scientific American magazine has published articles showing the new scientific research on vitamin D deficiency and austism. This artlce by New Autism Cure highlight this research to show how vitamin D deficiency is the most likely cause of this debilitating childhood developmental disease.
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January 7th, 2025 by SunYogi

Doctors in Sweden caution that vitamin D deficiency caused by a lack of sunlight could explain the country’s increased incidence of autism. The lack of sunlight in Sweden, combined with the use of sun protection creams and general precautions taken to avoid direct sun exposure is known to cause vitamin D deficiencies. Vitamin D deficiencies could be a contributing factor to the incidence of depression and some experts believe, autism.
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December 31st, 2024 by SunYogi

New scientific research is showing a powerful correlation between childhood autism and vitamin D deficiency. The evidence is too great to be ignored. In this health article Dr. Marc Sorenson quickly highlight 23 different vitamin D deficiency studies to show how low vitamin D levels are likely to cause autism and other childhood development disorders.
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December 25th, 2024 by SunYogi

Is the lack of healthy sunlight exposure and vitamin D in a child’s mother the cause of childhood autism? Mothers missing on the first source of vitamin D can affect their child’s health. Without a neurosteroid that depends on vitamin D, called calcitriol, prenatal children do not regulate brain development well enough to fully develop. The neurosteroid also protects against viral infections during pregnancy that can contribute to poor development.
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December 25th, 2024 by SunYogi

Scientific American, a reputable science magazine, has published an article that examines that cause of autism. Is vitamin D deficiency the cause of autism? Scientific American has lots of evidence that answers ‘yes’.
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