Vitamin D ‘is mental health aid’

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Numerous studies show that sunlight and vitamin D can help stave off the mental decline that can affect people in old age. Studies have found that as levels of vitamin D went down, levels of cognitive impairment went up. Learn how you can keep your mind sharp and healthy with high levels of natural sunlight and vitamin D.

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Between Master and Disciples: Hira Ratan Manek – Sun Gazing for Peace and Good Health

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Supreme Master Television, created a weekly series on breatharianism. These television shows feature a different breatharian and method of prana energy nourishment in each video episode. This video of the Between Master and Disciple Breatharian series is called Sun Gazing for Peace and Good Health, featuring sun gazer Hira Ratan Manek. Watch this 35 minute video clip to learn more about Hira Ratan Manek and his practice of sun gazing.

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Lack of Sunshine Vitamin Linked to Cognitive Decline

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Research have linked vitamin D deficiency with cognitive impairment. A recent study shows that as levels of vitamin D goes down, cognitive impairment goes up.

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Ray of sunshine gives brighter future with mental health

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A Melbourne University study has shown a link between depression and a lack of vitamin D, which is derived from exposure to sunlight. Exposure to sunlight is the most efficient way for the body to produce vitamin D, as little is found in food. A few minutes’ exposure each day during the summer and two to three hours per week during winter, is enough to maintain most people’s vitamin D levels.

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A New Critical Review Points to the Importance of Vitamin D in Brain Function

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The Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland is involved in research showing how Vitamin D is necessary for the brain development and mental health. “In addition to its role in maintaining bone health, vitamin D is involved in differentiation of tissues during development and in proper functioning of the immune system. In fact, over 900 different genes are now known to be able to bind the vitamin D receptor, through which vitamin D mediates its effects. Vitamin D’s ability to affect proteins in the brain known to be directly involved in learning and memory, motor control, and possibly even maternal and social behavior.”

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The Depressing Truth About Vitamin D Deficiency

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As the Northern Hemisphere enters the Autumn season,  daylight hours are decreasing.  We are getting less sunlight on our skin and as a result can be more likely to experience depression.  In the colder months, it is important to get as much natural sunlight as possible.  For people having difficulty getting natural sunshine, Sunlightenment has recommended UV and IR Light boxes listed in the sidebar.  This article by Dr. Mercola shares research on the connection between sunlight, vitamin D and mental depression.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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