New book – Sun of gOd by Gregory Sams

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“Sun of gOd presents a perfectly outrageous hypothesis: The sun is a conscious, living organism residing in a thriving galactic community, thinking stellar thoughts that span the entire universe. Surely this is nonsense. Except that the more you read the more a conscious universe begins to make sense. Gregory Sams’ book is a clearly written and persuasively reasoned argument to think about the sun in a radically new and refreshing way.” –Dean Radin, PhD, Senior Scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences

Discover the Self-Organizing Consciousness That Underlies Everything in this new book by Philosopher and author Gregory Sams. Released to the publish May 2009.

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Vitamin D could stave off mental decline in the elderly

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Taking vitamin D supplements in middle age could cut the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in later life, scientists say. The vitamin, made when our skin is exposed to sunlight, is already credited with keeping the immune system and bones strong and preventing some cancers. And the latest study found high levels were also closely linked to keeping mentally sharp in old age. Read the rest of this entry »

Sunbathing Helps You and Everyone (part 1)

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This information-packed article by Dr. Bernarr shares the remarkable discoveries of over a dozen health care practitioners throughout medical history, including Dr. Herbert Shelton, Dr. C. W. Saleeby, Arnold Rickli, Bernarr McFadden, Hippocrates. Part 1 of this article teaches that only sunburn has been shown to cause skin cancer, while proper sunbathing will heal skin cancer and remove wrinkles.  Included is a list of over 50 health conditions that are improved by proper sunbathing.

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Dynamic of Light: The Effects of Light on Health

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What is light and how does light affect human health?  This article by Matt DeBow examines early research on sunlight and biochemical and hormones in plants and animal cells, brain research, pituitary gland hormones, full spectrum light, cancer, UV light, and much more.

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Lack of Sunshine Vitamin Linked to Cognitive Decline

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Research have linked vitamin D deficiency with cognitive impairment. A recent study shows that as levels of vitamin D goes down, cognitive impairment goes up.

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NEW Research Explains 61% of Multiple Sclerosis Cases

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New research shows that low levels of sunlight could increase your risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS). Researchers found that by just analyzing sunlight, they could explain 61 percent of the variation in the number of MS cases across England. When they combined the effect of sunlight and glandular fever, 72 percent of the variation in MS cases could be explained. The study suggested that low levels of sunlight could affect how your body responds to infection. Vitamin D deficiency could be another possible link.

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Lack of Sunshine Causes One Million Deaths a Year

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Research by the University of California shows that increasing sunlight and vitamin D intake will greatly reduce the risks of cancer and other debilitating diseases.

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Spotlight on Sunlight

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All of us need to get some sunlight in order to remain healthy. Some scientists are now considering sunlight a “super nutrient”. Let’s look at the ways that sunlight helps our bodies.

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A New Critical Review Points to the Importance of Vitamin D in Brain Function

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The Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland is involved in research showing how Vitamin D is necessary for the brain development and mental health. “In addition to its role in maintaining bone health, vitamin D is involved in differentiation of tissues during development and in proper functioning of the immune system. In fact, over 900 different genes are now known to be able to bind the vitamin D receptor, through which vitamin D mediates its effects. Vitamin D’s ability to affect proteins in the brain known to be directly involved in learning and memory, motor control, and possibly even maternal and social behavior.”

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The Influence of the Solar Energy by Peter Deunov (part 1)

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Peter Deunov, the master teacher of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, teaches in this article how the sun’s energy can heal various parts of our physical bodies and increase our overall health. This articles looks in depth at the seasons and daylight hours, teaching how the changing levels of sunlight affect different parts of the body.

“All the world renders homage to me and I render homage to the Master Peter Deunov from Bulgaria.” -Albert Einstein

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The Hidden Reality of Solar Light (part 1)

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This article by Dr. Mitchell Gibson tells how the hidden nature of sunlight holds an important key to higher human evolution. Part 1 of this article looks at the five major components of Sunlight: Information Factors, Universal Forces, Energetic Factors, Evolutionary Factors, and Enlightenment Factors.

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Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human Health 8

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Serotonin, Melatonin, and Daylight are the focus of Part 8 of Benefits of Sunlight. Learn how sunlight exposure affects the human body’s chemical balance and brain chemistry. Learn how the sunlight received by the pineal gland in brain affects the body’s circadian rhythms. Learn how proper daylight exposure creates a restful sleep by understanding the serotonin and melatonin relationship.

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Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human Health 9

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How else is sunlight used in the human body?  Numerous chemicals, enzymnes, and hormones are created from the sunlight.  The sun’s UVA and UVB light improves immunity.  Hormones in the skin are created with sunlight.  Numerous brain chemicals and endorphines are released during sunlight exposure.  Learn about the other sun-dependent pathways in the body in part 9 of Benefits of Sunlight.

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Brain Power: Vitamin D and Cognitive Function

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According to a recently published study, there is an association between serum vitamin D levels and cognitive function. The researchers found that higher levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (vitamin D) were associated with better scores on all three cognitive tests.

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Am I Vitamin D Deficient? Vitamin D Test Kit

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This Vitamin D Coucil article discusses the appropriate levels of Vitamin D intake that are recommended to maintain optimal health.  To accurately test your levels of Vitamin D, the non-profit group The Vitamin D Council has partnered with ZRT Labs to offer a discounted take-home Vitamin D Test Kit that you can order on the Internet.

This article has been removed from at the request of the Vitamin D Council.

May we all one day learn to share our love, light, and knowledge as freely as the Sun, whom shares itself without restriction to all of life upon this planet.

The Hidden Reality of Solar Light (part 2)

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This article by Dr. Mitchell Gibson tells how the hidden nature of sunlight holds an important key to higher human evolution. Part 2 of this article looks at how the body absorbs and uses the energetic factors of the Sun through the human body’s brain and glands.

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Does Sun Exposure Really Cause Melanoma?

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In this 5 minute audio interview, Dr. Robert Heaney explains why sunshine has been wrongly accused of being the main culprit in causing deadly skin cancer, melanoma.

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How Sunshine and Vitamin D Can Help You Eliminate Mercury

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Accumulating data have provided evidence that vitamin D is involved in brain function. Vitamin D can inhibit the synthesis of inducible nitric oxide synthase and increase glutathione levels, suggesting a role for the hormone in brain detoxification.

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The Significance of the Sun by Master Peter Deunov

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Peter Deunov, the master teacher of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, teaches in this article the spiritual significance of the sun and how the human body can absorb and use the sun’s spiritual energy for enlightenment.

“All the world renders homage to me and I render homage to the Master Peter Deunov from Bulgaria.” -Albert Einstein

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Sungazing: The Science of Staring at the Sun documentary (video)

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Amateur filmmaker Matt Wilcox explains what sungazing is, how to sun gaze, and how sun gazing affects our brain – shown through an EEG experiment by world renowned neurologist Dr. Fred Travis. Observe the most thorough eye exam possible by one of the best departments of ophthalmology in the United States in this 11 minute documentary on Sun Gazing.

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Seeing Beyond the Sun by Swami Nirmalananda Giri (part 1)

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This commentary on the Isha Upanishad by Swami Nirmalananda Giri discusses the significant of the sun in spiritual practice. The outer material aspects of the sun and the inner metaphysical aspects of the sun are discussed in detail. Part 1 discusses the six characteristics of the “golden orb” of the sun: physcial sunlight and it’s affects on the human body and pineal gland; sunlight prana; consciousness; mind; and atman or spiritual Self; and the evolutionary urge.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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