January 29th, 2025 by SunYogi

Prahlad Jani, a holy man, who is over 70 years old, spent 10 days under constant observation in a hospital in India. During that time, he did not consume food or water and did not pass urine or stool. Doctors claim that Prahlad Jani is in good mental and physical health.
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January 28th, 2025 by SunYogi

In recent years, Prahlad Jani of India has shocked the scientific community. Prahlad Jani has the unique ability to live without the need for food nor water. He claims to have lived for over 60 years without any form of physical nourishment. Prahlad Jani claims that he gets his energy from his brain – an ancient yoga technique called amrita.
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January 27th, 2025 by SunYogi

In March 2011, Milena Albert contacted Sunlightenment.com to request that her 40-day fasting story be shared with the Sun Gazing community. The following is an interview that Milena posted on the Polar Light: Universal Wisdom Path website. Learn about Milena’s 40 day fast, which included 9.5 days of dry fasting with no water!
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January 23rd, 2025 by SunYogi

Prahlad Jani, a breatharian yogi, has been studied twice by medical doctors and scientists – once in 2003 and again in 2010. During these strict studies, Prahlad Jani demonstrated that he does not eat food or drink water. Also, Prahlad Jani did not urine or defecate during these studies. Modern science has difficulty explaining this yogi’s abilities and call it a “miracle in the science.”
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January 20th, 2025 by SunYogi

“During the four months of the monsoon season, she would fast, as her religion dictated, often for two or three days at a time, not breaking the fast until she had seen the sun. “We children on those days would stand, staring at the sky, waiting to announce the appearance of the sun to our mother,” Gandhi writes. “I remember days when, at his [the sun’s] sudden appearance, we would rush and announce it to her. She would run out to see with her own eyes, but by that time the fugitive sun would be gone, thus depriving her of her meal. ‘That does not matter,’ she would say cheerfully. ‘God did not want me to eat today.'”
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January 17th, 2025 by SunYogi

The Essene Gospel Of Peace is a Holy Book of the Essene sect of Christianity. In this book, Jesus Christ teaches about prayer, purity, fasting, and the Angels of Air, Water, and Sunlight.
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January 15th, 2025 by SunYogi

The largest alternative health website online posted a comprehensive article on Sun Gazing on January 8, 2009. This article discussses the practice and process of Sun Gazing, Hira Ratan Manek, the pineal gland, skeptics’ opinions, and research findings.
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January 15th, 2025 by SunYogi

A 76-year-old Indian mystic claims to have survived the past 68 years — yes, years — without eating, drinking or going to the toilet. A 10-day trial under 24 hour surveillance by a team of medical doctors has scientists baffled. Prahlad Jani says his fasting ability is divinely inspired.
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January 14th, 2025 by SunYogi

Nikolai Dolgoruky calls himself a “sun eater.” After 14 years of fasting, Nikolai has increased the amount of energy he receives from the Sun and reduced his need of physical foods. Since 2003 he has ingest only tea with honey and soup broth. Nikolai has also set the record for staring at the sun for 13 hours.
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January 12th, 2025 by SunYogi

Supreme Master Television, created a weekly series on breatharianism. These television shows feature a different breatharian and method of prana energy nourishment in each video episode. This video of the Between Master and Disciple Breatharian series is called Sun Gazing for Peace and Good Health, featuring sun gazer Hira Ratan Manek. Watch this 35 minute video clip to learn more about Hira Ratan Manek and his practice of sun gazing.
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January 9th, 2025 by SunYogi

The recent study of Prahlad Jani – an 82 year old breatharian yogi living in northern India – has concluded after 15 days of observation by India’s Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences. Medical doctors and scientists have proven that during his observation, Prahlad Jani did not eat, drink, urinate or defecate. This is medically unprecedented. Read the rest of this entry »
December 31st, 2024 by SunYogi

Barbara Moore, M.D. of London, was a modern-day Breatharian – eating no physical food by using the energy in air and sunlight for her body’s needs. The 1975 book “Survival into the 21st Century” by Viktoras Kulvinskas shares this information about the possibility of and transition to living on air and sunlight energy.
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December 30th, 2024 by SunYogi

In April & May 2010, Indian scientists studied Prahlad Jani – a yogi who claims to have lived for 70 years without food or water. Watch this video clip by NTDTV which features interviews by doctors who have studied Prahlad Jani – a breatharian yogi and medical mystery.
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December 30th, 2024 by SunYogi

In this short article, breatharian Joachim Werdin speaks about his transition into the breatharian state. Joachim Werdin began his journey when he was 16 years old with a regular practice of fasting. After decades of experience with fasting, Joachim Werdin felt it was the right time to transition into breatharianism.
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December 24th, 2024 by SunYogi

Fox News reports on Prahald Jani, a yogi who has recently demonstrated that he can live without food and water. For 15 days in 2010, Prahlad Jani was studied by a team of doctors in Ahmedabad, India. While being closely watched and studied, Prahlad Jani went without food and water, and did not got to the bathroom. Prahlad Jani claims that he has not eaten for 70 years.
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October 22nd, 2024 by SunYogi

Prahlad Jani has not had a single drop of water for the past 65 years. In November 2003, Prahlad Jani agreed to participate in a scientific research study led by twenty-one specialists. Prahlad Jani spent 10 days under twenty-four hours of observation where he ingest no food or water. This article published in The Times of India newspaper tells more.