Peter Deunov: The Tradition of Son of the Sun

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Peter Deunov (1864-1944) is often credited as bringing the spiritual teachings of the Sun to the West. During his spiritual initiations, Peter Deunov spent three weeks in meditation that ended with a three day experience of “being one with the Sun.” This article describes the 7 person lineage known as “The Sons of the Sun” – spiritual master teachers who embody the message and light of the Sun.

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The Influence of the Solar Energy by Peter Deunov (part 2)

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Peter Deunov, the master teacher of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, teaches in this article how the sun’s energy can heal various parts of our physical bodies and increase our overall health. This article looks in depth at the seasons and daylight hours, teaching how the changing levels of sunlight affect different parts of the body.

“All the world renders homage to me and I render homage to the Master Peter Deunov from Bulgaria.” -Albert Einstein

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Sun Gazette Newsletter – Issue 10

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The Winter 2010 issue of the Sun Gazette by Wayne Purdin features many informative articles on the healing power of sunlight and sun gazing. This 10th issue includes articles on spiritual growth, sun gazing 101 instruction, serotonin, the Sun’s torsion field, and the influence of solar energy on the earth and humans.

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White Brotherhood sun gazing video

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This video shows the White Brother’s annual gathering on the summer solstice at their mountain retreat in Bulgaria. The White Brotherhood practices a form of sun gazing that was originally taught by Peter Deunov.

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The Influence of the Solar Energy by Peter Deunov (part 1)

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Peter Deunov, the master teacher of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, teaches in this article how the sun’s energy can heal various parts of our physical bodies and increase our overall health. This articles looks in depth at the seasons and daylight hours, teaching how the changing levels of sunlight affect different parts of the body.

“All the world renders homage to me and I render homage to the Master Peter Deunov from Bulgaria.” -Albert Einstein

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The Significance of the Sun by Master Peter Deunov

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Peter Deunov, the master teacher of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, teaches in this article the spiritual significance of the sun and how the human body can absorb and use the sun’s spiritual energy for enlightenment.

“All the world renders homage to me and I render homage to the Master Peter Deunov from Bulgaria.” -Albert Einstein

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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