Peter Deunov: The Tradition of Son of the Sun

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Peter Deunov (1864-1944) is often credited as bringing the spiritual teachings of the Sun to the West. During his spiritual initiations, Peter Deunov spent three weeks in meditation that ended with a three day experience of “being one with the Sun.” This article describes the 7 person lineage known as “The Sons of the Sun” – spiritual master teachers who embody the message and light of the Sun.

Peter Deunov: The Tradition of Son of the Sun

Historically, there was the land of the “Son of the Sun” or “Son of Heaven.” From China to the Andes, through ancient Egypt, these are the children of light who built all the greatest civilizations.

Basically, all men are children of light. A Son of the Sun is a man who has passed certain tests through initiations to refresh the inner potential and to transmit it, to awaken in others. By his own conscience, he radiates an aura around him, a field of life energy that has the capacity to awaken the conscience and the subtle centers in man. Those who are affected and respond to the call structure a school around him so that the invisible can become visible and live among us. Resonate with such a school that is in that line of light and accept his presence in itself is to awaken the divine essence, the best in itself that sleeps within all matter, of any substance, of all creation. It is the duty of man to show the divine essence and to open the path of development.

Manitara Olivier tells us that these seven Son of the Sun, four are from: Rudolf Steiner, Peter Deunov, Babaji, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. He is the fifth and two more are after him incarnate. These two will be the reincarnation of Lord Aivanhov which will prepare the final coming of the Master Peter Deunov make manifest the Spirit of Truth. In this collective work, Rudolf Steiner had not reached the initiation of the Sons of the Sun, but its relationship with the Archangel Mikhael allowed him to do a wonderful job and making a beautiful light to enhance this tradition, this soul family. To accomplish this initiation, the Master Peter Deunov was isolated for three weeks in a cave in the mountains of Moussala. During these three weeks of retirement, he was very active, particularly consisting of esoteric music to awaken the man in the light in the etheric and establishing numerous grounds of his school. By building on this solid foundation that will raise the Master Aivanhov subsequently his own school.

The last three weeks, the Master went to Deunov Moussala summit where he became one with the sun for three days through earnest prayer and purity.

To accomplish this initiation, he was guided by his own intuition, the inner light that inspired it. It was not really aware of what he did, he did not know he opened the door of the sun and a line of Masters would follow in his footsteps so that the light continues to exist in humanity. But he had this power to listen to what he spoke and put into action by defeating doubt. Then the light woke him and took him on the road.

Babaji meanwhile, lived in a spiritual atmosphere because India is a country of masters and gods. In this atmosphere, he knew he had to unite in the sun and to live in him staying for three weeks in meditation. Then he went to collect the three sources of the Ganges in a span of three days. He was able to accomplish this performance because he had the ability to consciously leave the body and so he went to those places sacred to receive the blessing of the sun and form into her body. The sun revealed the power of the creative spirit into matter and showed him the appearance of fertilizing the mind in a flow of energy and life that creates the world and creates son of God or the son of devil.

While in France, the Master Omraam Michael Aivanhov met a seer, Judith Henry. She confirmed that it was intended to be a Son of the Sun and it was linked to the archangel Michael. The Master Aivanhov was impressed by the visionary because she told him many things he knew to be true. In particular, its revealed that he would become a Son of the Sun when it would be in solitude to the Pyrenees. This is why the Master has purchased a domain Trassoulas and he built a cottage in the goal of developing the body of the Sun and become his son. He again met the fortune teller who told him to remain in complete isolation for three weeks. That is what the Lord has done. He fasted and made long walks in the forest of “No bear. Then he went into the mountains with a backpack for three days and there he was introduced to the three phases of the sun: the rising sun, the sun at high noon and sunset. He understood the mystery of childbirth, the mysteries of the top and bottom of both worlds in the personality and individuality. It was during those three days in the forest and the mountains he received his initiation and has become a Son of the Sun.

Olivier Manitara also visited the region. For seven months, he remained in silence and isolation absolute in mountains near the castle of Montsegur. He was 22. Only several years after this experience he also passed the initiation and he became a Son of the Sun in this divine lineage that goes back to Enoch, and the most beautiful pearls are Zoroaster, Hermes Trismegistus, Buddha Jesus, Mani …

Before that, he created a school of God in which he taught for many years. In 2003, within the precincts of the school, he made a covenant of Light with the four Archangels bearing the four letters of the name of God to be sanctified, realizing the words of Christ: “Where two or three come together in My name, I will come and I’ll be among them. ”

He celebrates with his students four archangels in the round of the year, and the image of the Virgin Mary, it sets up a temple of the continued presence of the archangel Gabriel in a valley. It is in this valley at the foot of a sacred mountain, he retired and remained for three weeks in complete isolation, prayer and meditation. Then he will enter the Temple of the Sun and stayed three days to receive fertilization of the mind. During the four days (seven days are the total), the sun formed in him a new body. This journey, which began as personal Manitara Olivier decided to make it possible for her students, students in this school of mysteries, so it all became clear to them. Hope can be reborn again in the hearts, because light is more than ever to work on earth and the golden age foretold by the prophets was realized as a seed is now planted in the ground and carries work of germination. In time, it will appear in the open to give the most delicious fruits that awaken all that is divine in man.

Let those who feel in their heart the truth of the sacred teaching that resurrects in our midst come to join the momentum to spring a new life, they come to build this school of God.

Author: Philippe Le Guen October 2005



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