Facts About Skin Cancer and Sunshine
Leading Sunlight researcher Dr. Michael Holick shares a list of important facts about sunshine and skin cancer in his book The UV Advantage.
Leading Sunlight researcher Dr. Michael Holick shares a list of important facts about sunshine and skin cancer in his book The UV Advantage.
Swami Krishnananda’s discourse on The Chhandogya Upanishad shares the teaching that surya, the Sun, is a popular symbol of the Absolute. The characteristics of the Supreme Self, the Atman, are similiar to the qualities of the Sun.
In his book Sivananda Buried Yoga, Yogi Manmoyanand writes about the secret kriya of surya namaskar and the deeper spiritual science the sun salutation uses to empower to chakras and energy levels of the human body. The information in Sivananda Buried Yoga was taken from Yogi Manmoyanad’s journey in the Himalayan Mountains and residence with a secret group of highly evolved yogis. The spiritual knowledge that Yogi Manmoyanad teaches in his book is difficult to find elsewhere and of great value to any serious spiritual practitioner, sun gazer and yogi.
This post features an excerpt from Sivananda Buried Yoga that teaches the traditional spiritual kriya of surya namaskar in a way that has been lost from modern yoga practice. Learn the purpose and power of the surya namasakar positions, mantras and chakras. Learn how the yoga kriya surya namaskar is designed to help the human body attract, store and use solar energy for its function.
Herbert Shelton revitalized the Natural Hygiene health system in the early 20th century. Natural Hygiene is health system that teaches that perfect health comes from living in harmony with nature and the natural laws of the human body. In this excerpt from his book The Hygienic System, Vol III: Fasting and Sun Bathing, Herbert Shelton teaches the importance of sunbathing and shares the deep history of sunbathing found in many cultures for hundreds of years.
Read part 4 of Cardiologist Stephen Sinatra’s interview on his new book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?
Learn why standing barefoot on the Earth may be the most important health change that a person can make. Read science that shows how the human body must receive electromagnetic energies from Earth to stabilize the body’s fundamental biological rhythms and restore all the body’s systems to optimal health.
For anyone practicing Sun Gazing – where Earthing (standing barefoot on the Earth) is necessary – I highly recommend this reading this article and buying Dr. Stephen Sinatra’s book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?.
Bernarr MacFadden is one of the pioneers of healthy living in America. In 1925 Bernarr MacFadden published the book Strengthening the EYES: A System of Scientific Eye Training, which presented a detail study of the eye and techniques to restore strength to weakening vision and eye health. In chapter 19, Bernarr MacFadden teaches a technique to strengthen the eyes with sunlight. Although the fear of the sun was, and still is strong in humanity, many people have achieved amazing results with these eye exercises.
Cardiologist Stephen Sinatra, M.D., F.A.C.C. shares ground-breaking new science in his book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?
Learn why standing barefoot on the Earth may be the most important health change that a person can make. In his new book, Dr. Stephen Sinatra presents science that shows how the human body must receive electromagnetic energies from Earth to stabilize the body’s fundamental biological rhythms and restore all the body’s systems to optimal health.
For anyone practicing Sun Gazing – where Earthing (standing barefoot on the Earth) is necessary – I highly recommend this reading this article and buying Dr. Stephen Sinatra’s book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?.
Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800–August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.
The Healing Power of the Sunlight is one of Jakob’s books, which discusses the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of sunlight and ways to effectively use the sunlight for healing and spiritual awakening.
The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall is considered by many to be the most complete esoteric encyclopedia ever written. This article features 3 excerpts from this book that discuss “The Three Suns”. According to Hermetic and Rosicrucian spiritual texts, the Sun has 3 unique bodies – the spiritual sun, soular sun or intellectual sun, and material sun. Each solar body has unique characteristics that affect the human being is different ways.
Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800–August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.
The Healing Power of the Sunlight is one of Jakob’s books, which discusses the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of sunlight and ways to effectively use the sunlight for healing and spiritual awakening.
Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800–August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.
The Healing Power of the Sunlight is one of Jakob’s books, which discusses the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of sunlight and ways to effectively use the sunlight for healing and spiritual awakening.
This commentary on the Isha Upanishad by Swami Nirmalananda Giri discusses the significant of the sun in spiritual practice. The outer material aspects of the sun and the inner metaphysical aspects of the sun are discussed in detail. Part 2 discusses the methods by which a person can use the sun’s energy for physical health and spiritual enlightenment. Meditation, pranayama, and the OM mantra techniques are taught.
Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800–August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.
The Healing Power of the Sunlight is one of Jakob’s books, which discusses the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of sunlight and ways to effectively use the sunlight for healing and spiritual awakening.
“During the four months of the monsoon season, she would fast, as her religion dictated, often for two or three days at a time, not breaking the fast until she had seen the sun. “We children on those days would stand, staring at the sky, waiting to announce the appearance of the sun to our mother,” Gandhi writes. “I remember days when, at his [the sun’s] sudden appearance, we would rush and announce it to her. She would run out to see with her own eyes, but by that time the fugitive sun would be gone, thus depriving her of her meal. ‘That does not matter,’ she would say cheerfully. ‘God did not want me to eat today.'”
In 2000, Richard Hobday released this book on the health benefits of Sunlight. Richard Hobday, MSc, PhD is a member of the British Register of Complementary Practitioners and has studied traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese exercise systems in China. Dr. Hobday has many years experience of solar design in buildings and is a leading authority on the history of sunlight therapy.
In her book Foodwise: Understanding what We Eat and how it Affects Us, Wendy Cook explains how the human body metabolizes sun light using magnesium to bring light into substance and iron to release light back to energy. Hemoglobin, found in human blood, is show to be similar to cholorphyll in plants.
The Healing Sun by Richard Hobday presents evidence showing an increase in disease with a decrease in sunlight exposure. This article looks at: Sunlight and Tooth Decay
Read part 3 of Cardiologist Stephen Sinatra’s interview on his new book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?
Learn why standing barefoot on the Earth may be the most important health change that a person can make. Read science that shows how the human body must receive electromagnetic energies from Earth to stabilize the body’s fundamental biological rhythms and restore all the body’s systems to optimal health.
For anyone practicing Sun Gazing – where Earthing (standing barefoot on the Earth) is necessary – I highly recommend this reading this article and buying Dr. Stephen Sinatra’s book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?.
The Healing Sun by Richard Hobday presents evidence showing an increase in disease with a decrease in sunlight exposure. This article writes on the topic: Sunlight Therapy (Heliotherapy) and Cancer
In his book Shakti: An Introduction to Kundalini Maha Yoga, Shri Dhyanyogi Madhusudandas briefly mentions that the human being is connected to the sun via the energy channel called the Hita nadi. Shri Dhyanyogi Madhusudandas was a Kundalini Yoga master who performed miracles and lived to the age of 116.
Author and Shaman Carlos Castaneda writes about a shamanic practice that was taught to him by his teacher Don Juan Matus in his book Journey To Ixtlan. Carlos Castaneda was guided to intently watch the setting sun. He felt a surge of energy in parts of his body and a lightness of being. Don Juan then explained the significance of the shamanic practice.
This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.