Kriya of Surya Namaskar by Yogi Manmoyanand (part 2)
In his book Sivananda Buried Yoga, Yogi Manmoyanand writes about the secret kriya of surya namaskar and the deeper spiritual science the sun salutation uses to empower to chakras and energy levels of the human body. The information in Sivananda Buried Yoga was taken from Yogi Manmoyanad’s journey in the Himalayan Mountains and residence with a secret group of highly evolved yogis. The spiritual knowledge that Yogi Manmoyanad teaches in his book is difficult to find elsewhere and of great value to any serious spiritual practitioner, sun gazer and yogi.
This post features an excerpt from Sivananda Buried Yoga that teaches the traditional spiritual kriya of surya namaskar in a way that has been lost from modern yoga practice. Learn the purpose and power of the surya namasakar positions, mantras and chakras. Learn how the yoga kriya surya namaskar is designed to help the human body attract, store and use solar energy for its function.
Kriya of Surya Namaskar by Yogi Manmoyanand
Excerpt from Sivananda Buried Yoga
by Yogi Manmoyanand
pages 200-205
Part 2 of 2
The solar energy perceived as light as seven wavelengths. When sunlight is broken through a prism, we see seven wavelengths as seven different and distinct colors. Violet has the smallest wavelength than the highest frequency. On the other end of the spectrum, red has the highest wavelength in the smallest frequency. The extreme wavelengths like ultraviolet and infrared have harmful effects on the body and remained on perceivable. The seven wavelengths provide nourishment to all forms of life under the sun. Every living thing directly or indirectly depends upon solar energy for its sustenance. Exposure to sunlight in the morning and evening gives us an important food ingredient, vitamin D. The human body has been intelligently designed to receive and assimilate each wavelength of the sun.
The function and mechanism of the body largely depends upon seven systems: the nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, excretory system, reproductive system, lymphatic system and digestive system. Each of these systems are in turn governed and regulated by seven specific endocrine glands. These endocrine glands are located along a vertical access in the body, that’s more or less the same place where the chakras or energy whorls are situated. As mentioned earlier, there are seven chakras, and their positions lie from the crown of the head to the bottom of the spinal column. The endocrine glands function with the backup energy that is supplied through the chakras. It is interesting to note that the energy frequencies of the chakras are exactly the same as the seven different wavelengths of the sunlight. The crown chakra corresponds to the violet wavelength, and in that order, the base chakra functions with the red wavelength. Thus the functions of the entire body are directly related to the frequencies of sunlight.
Surya namaskar is not in an asana, as technically it does not function to provide the steady and pleasurable state of the asana. It is an important kriya used for the support and sustenance of the body. It has seven kiryas arranged in a sequence of 12 steps corresponding to the number of zodiacs of the sun. The seven kriyas are individually designed to assimilate each of the individual wavelength of solar energy. The practice of surya namasakr is a process where seven kriyas aquire and assimilate the seven individual wavelengths of solar energy into the seven specific and corresponding chakras of the body. As a result, the seven physio-pathological systems of the body are nourished and sustained.
The practice of surya namaskar involves the practice of Mantras. Mantras are usually a sound or syllable, a word or sentence, created on the basis of the sound frequency which is exactly the same as the meaning and implication of the mantra. Mantras have been used as effective tools for spiritual practice for ages by different civilizations around the world. The mantras are usually available in the language of Sanskrit. Mantras can technically be created by the help of any language since it is sound that is used in the mantra and not the linguistic phraseology. Sanskrit is the most suitable language that can be used for the formation of mantras as the language is highly phonetic in nature and the words and sounds of this language stand to denote the meaning and objects of the language.
In surya namaskar seven such mantras are used. The frequencies of the mantras are chosen to correspond to the energy dynamics of the seven individual wavelengths. The function of these mantras is to invoke and attract the seven different energies of the sun.
For the practice of surya namaskar, one needs to face the rising sun and expose as much of the body as possible. The kirya is not very useful when practiced indoors or with a covered body. Standing in the energy invoking a position, one has to keep chanting the first mantra until the corresponding chakras of the body begins to pulsate very strongly. Keeping the attention on this receiving pulsation and maintaining the chanting of the mantra, one has to perform all seven kiryas of surya namaskar in the correct sequence of 12 steps. This invokes, receives and assimilates the intended wavelength of solar energy into the corresponding chakra. In order to acquire and assimilate the seven wavelengths of the sun, one has to perform the whole process seven times with the chanting of the appropriate mantra and the concentration at the appropriate chakra. This becomes one cycle of the kirya of surya namaskar. The effect of one cycle of surya namaskare helps the yogi to nourish and sustain himself for 24 hours. This is how the yogi surpasses the need of food for a full day.
Gradually I began to experience the secrets of the ancient yogis who lived without food for years. I grew more excited and delighted as I soon mastered the art of living without food.
During the practice periods, I sometimes dropped even the only meal of the day. The nourishment of the body by solar energy has absolutely no side effects. It does not result in any hunger fatigue or reduction in the general level of one’s strength. Here I should remind the readers not to attempt to live without food as long as they have a secondary use of their body. If the machinery of the body is used for any purpose other than the practice of yoga kriyas it would need an appropriate amount of fuel for its function.
Keeping to a careful regime, I completely stopped my food intake. For this purpose, I began to do surya namaskar twice a day: both in the morning and evening. At this time I stopped eating food, and gradually even stopped drinking water. During this phase of practice, I live for 65 days in one stretched without food.
Source: Sivananda Buried Yoga
Tags: asana, chakras, sun yogi, Surya Namaskar, yoga
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lama jigme said:
on December 5th, 2009Thank you for all your hard work on our behalf!