Suryayog the Panacea

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“The human body is not mere flesh and bones but also has electromagnetic dust, where rays from the Sun (Surya) can cause positive vibrations to balance the body, mind and spirit naturally. [The] human body is a gigantic Atomic Reactor and a moving Power House. Brain is the Generator and heart is the Transmitter”.

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Here Comes the Sun: Surya Namaskar (1 of 2)

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That most familiar of asana sequences, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is as rich in symbolic and mythic overtones as it is in physical benefits. Part 1 of this article in Yoga Journal magazine shares the History and Practice of Surya Namaskar.

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Surya Namaskar sequence

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Surya Namaskar is the famous Sun Salutation exercise of yoga. Traditional Surya Namaskar is a combination of movement and stretching asanas, combined with breathing pranayama, yoga bija mantras, chakra concentration, and bhakti devotion. Surya Namaskar was developed as a complete spiritual practice that integrates every major system of yoga. Surya Namaskar is considered by many experts to be the most complete exercise in the world.

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Kriya of Surya Namaskar by Yogi Manmoyanand (part 1)

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In his book Sivananda Buried Yoga, Yogi Manmoyanand writes about the secret kriya of surya namaskar and the deeper spiritual science the sun salutation uses to empower to chakras and energy levels of the human body. The information in Sivananda Buried Yoga was taken from Yogi Manmoyanad’s journey in the Himalayan Mountains and residence with a secret group of highly evolved yogis. The spiritual knowledge that Yogi Manmoyanad teaches in his book is difficult to find elsewhere and of great value to any serious spiritual practitioner, sun gazer and yogi.

This post features an excerpt from Sivananda Buried Yoga that teaches the traditional spiritual kriya of surya namaskar in a way that has been lost from modern yoga practice. Learn the purpose and power of the surya namasakar positions, mantras and chakras. Learn how the yoga kriya surya namaskar is designed to help the human body attract, store and use solar energy for its function.

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Surya Namaskara by Swami Satyananda Saraswati (video)

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Swami Satyananda Saraswati has written an extensive book on the practice of Surya Namaskar, the yoga Sun Salutation. This book teaches the complete Surya Namaskar technique, including the correct sequence of asanas, breathing pranayama, concentration locations, mantra, and bandhas. The inner meaning / esoteric science of Surya Namaskar is also explained. This book is highly recommended by Sunlightenment to deepen your Sun Yoga spiritual practice and improve your health.

Included in this post is a video example of the Surya Namaskar yoga practice, including the sacred bija mantras for each asana movement.

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Kriya of Surya Namaskar by Yogi Manmoyanand (part 2)

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In his book Sivananda Buried Yoga, Yogi Manmoyanand writes about the secret kriya of surya namaskar and the deeper spiritual science the sun salutation uses to empower to chakras and energy levels of the human body. The information in Sivananda Buried Yoga was taken from Yogi Manmoyanad’s journey in the Himalayan Mountains and residence with a secret group of highly evolved yogis. The spiritual knowledge that Yogi Manmoyanad teaches in his book is difficult to find elsewhere and of great value to any serious spiritual practitioner, sun gazer and yogi.

This post features an excerpt from Sivananda Buried Yoga that teaches the traditional spiritual kriya of surya namaskar in a way that has been lost from modern yoga practice. Learn the purpose and power of the surya namasakar positions, mantras and chakras. Learn how the yoga kriya surya namaskar is designed to help the human body attract, store and use solar energy for its function.

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Here Comes the Sun: Surya Namaskar (2 of 2)

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That most familiar of asana sequences, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is as rich in symbolic and mythic overtones as it is in physical benefits. Part 2 of this article in Yoga Journal magazine teaches the asana sequence of Surya Namaskar and offers tips to deepen your yoga experience.

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Surya Ayurveda: The Healing Science of the Sun

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The healing science of the Sun is one of the oldest sciences and medicines on this planet. This article teaches Surya Ayurveda – the healing science of the Sun. Read quotes from India’s oldest spiritual, health, medicine and religious books: the Vedas and learn how you can use the Sun (Surya) for your healing.

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The Yogic Aspect of the Sun Salutation

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The Surya Namaskar is considered to be the complete embodiment of Hathayoga, Mantra Yog and Bhakti yoga. It is a complete exercise for the culturing of both mind and body. In just twelve steps asana, pranayama, shuddhi kriya, bandha and mudra are completely included along with prayerful devotion.  Learn how this simple yoga practice has been proven to be one of the world’s most complete exercises.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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