Doctors Giving Cancer Patients Vitamin D

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Responding to research indicating that vitamin D may slow the progression of breast, colon and other common cancers, some doctors have begun adding Vitamin D supplements to their list of cancer therapies. This article by the Health Freedom Alliance takes a look at the new Vitamin D trend emerging in modern medicine.

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Vitamin D ‘is mental health aid’

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Numerous studies show that sunlight and vitamin D can help stave off the mental decline that can affect people in old age. Studies have found that as levels of vitamin D went down, levels of cognitive impairment went up. Learn how you can keep your mind sharp and healthy with high levels of natural sunlight and vitamin D.

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More Active Sun Means Nasty Solar Storms Ahead

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Top scientists are predicting that the sun is entering another cycle of intense solar activity. More solar storms and sunspots are predicted. The sun is entering an active period that may damage Earth’s satellites and threaten communication on Earth.

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North Carolina researchers demonstrate ‘artificial leaf’ that produces electricity

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Dr. Orlin Velev, a chemical and Bio-molecular Engineer at North Carolina State University, has begun developing a bendable devices that are constructed of water-based gel infused together with light-sensitive molecules (like plant chlorophyll), coupled with electrodes coated by carbon elements. These flexible solar cells have the potential to be less expensive and more beneficial to our environment than the present standard silicon based solar cells.
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Is the Roman Pantheon a colossal sundial?

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Has the grand Roman Pantheon been keeping a secret for nearly 2000 years? An expert in ancient timekeeping thinks so, arguing that it acts as a colossal sundial.

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Awakening to the Sun: The Gayatri Mantra

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The Gayatri Mantra is considered to be the holiest verse of the Vedas. It describes the bhargah (the solar spirit), who is the essence of Savitri (the solar being), who is yet the inner identity of Surya (the sun). The Gayatri Mantra as a prayer is a petition to the infinite light of pure consciousness. This article by Yoga + Joyful Living magazine clearly explains the meaning and significance of the Gayatri Mantra.

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Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human Health 5

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Part 5 of Benefits of Sunlight discusses many of the other health links tied to Vitamin D, UV light, and sunlight exposure.  Multiple Sclerosis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, blood pressure, arthritis, immunity diseases, colon cancer,  lupus are some of the health diseases improved by sunlight exposure.

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Ukrainian Man Eats Only Sunshine

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Nikolai Dolgoruky calls himself a “sun eater.” After 14 years of fasting, Nikolai has increased the amount of energy he receives from the Sun and reduced his need of physical foods.  Since 2003 he has ingest only tea with honey and soup broth.  Nikolai has also set the record for staring at the sun for 13 hours.

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New Evidence Ties Vitamin D Deficiency to MS

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This article by the University of California, San Francisco shares recent evidence that links Vitamin D dificiency to Multipe Sclerosis (MS). Advice is also given on how to increase your levels of Vitamin D.

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Abodes of Surya – Sun Worship in India

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India has one of the world’s earliest records of sun worship. This article reveals some the sun temples that exist in India. These temples were once the centers of spiritual worship and now function largely as tourist centers and historic landmarks.

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Damaged DNA? Take vitamin D

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Modern DNA research is showing that Vitamin D improves the body’s ability to fight cancer and repair DNA damage. Larger amounts of Vitamin D3 in the body increases the expression of the GADD 45 protein – GADD stands for Growth Arrest and DNA Damage – This protein inhibits the growth of cancer cells and stimulates repair of damage to cellular DNA.

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Awakening the Inner Sense: Subjective Visual Phenomena

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Common to Sun Gazing practice is the experience of After Images, Phosphenes, Eye Floaters, and the Blue field entoptic phenomenon. Learn more about these phenomenon is this article by Floco Tausin as he takes a deeper look into the relationship of the physical eyes, spiritual eyes, and spiritual practices like meditation and yoga trataka. Learn how you can strengthen your eyes to gain spiritual vision and awaken the inner light.

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Why governments are selling Vitamin D short

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With all of the remarkable health benefits of sunlight and vitamin D, why haven’t governments and federal health organizations been supporting the sunlight vitamin? Studies keep piling up that prove vitamin D’s amazing health benefits in nearly every area of human health. An still vitamin D receives little or no media attention. Why is this?

In this in-depth article by Sam Apple, we learn the reason why governments are unlikely to support a vitamin gotten from the sun. Could it be greed for money? Inability to regulate and control something as natural as sunlight? Is it lack of research or funding? Or perhaps upsetting the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry?  Learn how deep the rabbit hole goes in this article by Sam Apple.

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Suryayog the Panacea

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“The human body is not mere flesh and bones but also has electromagnetic dust, where rays from the Sun (Surya) can cause positive vibrations to balance the body, mind and spirit naturally. [The] human body is a gigantic Atomic Reactor and a moving Power House. Brain is the Generator and heart is the Transmitter”.

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Vitamin D research may have doctors prescribing sunshine

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Science is confirming the amazing health benefits of sunshine. More and more doctors and health experts are recommending daily exposure to safe sunlight for improved mental and physical health. Health experts are even questioning the effectiveness and safety of sunscreen and sunblock lotions. This USA Today articles features information from the American Cancer Society, Harvard University, Columbia University, and University of Pennsylvania health experts and dermatologists.

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LA Times – Role of Light in Health

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This article in the Los Angeles Times shares research from Dr. John Ott and Phillip Hughes Ph.D. which highlight the dangers of artificial light and the use of sun glasses. Published in 1980, this research was cutting edge for the time and awakened the general public to the need for full spectrum lighting and sunlight for optimal health.

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Does Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Autism? Part 2

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The follow-up article by New Autism Cure takes a deeper look at the current modern autism and vitamin D deficiency research. More scientific evidence is presented and links to other vitamin D websites and publications are provided.

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Eyesight Tips 101: Sunlight: The Food Of Your Eyes

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The sun improves the eyes and pupils in many wonderful ways. For instance, it loosens tight muscles. The nerves and muscles just naturally let go of stress and tension, a leading cause of poor eyesight. The eyes thrive on the sun’s energy

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New Research Speaks In Favor Of Moderate Sun Exposure

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Dr. William B. Grant, PhD, an internationally known research scientist who recently retired from NASA’s Langley Research Center, has discovered that moderate sun exposure is necessary to fight numerous forms of internal cancers.

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Institute of Healing and Alternative Therapy to teach Suryayog

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On June 9, 2003, The Times of India annoucned that The Institute of Healing and Alternative Therapy in Patna, India will begin teaching courses on Suryayog and the power of the Sun.

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Healing effects of Far Infrared Light

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The greatest amount of the sun’s energy output is in the infrared segment of the spectrum. This band of light has been shown to have many beneficial effects on health, detoxification, and longevity.  This article on Far Infrared Light summaries some of the many benefits of this energy band of sunlight.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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