Breatharian Meditations – An Audioclass 2 CD Set
A breatharian since 2001, Elitom Ben Yisrael has released a 2 CD audioclass called Breatharian Meditations. In this audioclass, Elitom Ben Yisrael teaches about the breatharian state and leads guided meditations to help you discover the spiritual energies inside you and surrounding you. Better understand the process of living without eating physical food with the help of Elitom Ben Yisrael, a breatharian shaman and holistic healer.
Breatharian Meditations – An Audioclass 2 CD Set
Update: A new internationally acclaimed film on breatharianism is now available – In the Beginning There Was Light. Watch the entire film here.
Due to multiple requests, the workshop with the breatharian Elitom Ben Yisrael and sound shaman Norma Gentile is now available. This is an informal recording, and contains spoken meditations from Elitom to guide your own discovery of the basic wiring contained within each of us to become more capable of nourishing ourselves from the spiritual energies which surround us.
This 2 CD set (or equivalent download) contains the entire workshop given in December 2003. You will learn how to shift your diet to allow the Breatharian wiring to appear, and in a guided meditation you will retune your energy field to be able to create water spontaneously within your own body.
Elitom tells the story of how he became a Breatharian, and Norma provides sound meditations to gently open the energy fields of those listening to this newly emerging natural wiring.
CD Track Listings
1. Norma’s Introduction
2. Elitom’s Introduction
3. Invocation of Sacred Space
4. Grounding into Nature Meditation
5. A Breatharian’s Grounding
6. Elitom’s Story
7. Elitom and Live Foods
8. Feeding from Nature and Live Foods
9. How the 8th Chakra Works
10. Meditation to find 8th Chakra and re-tune it
11. Eating and Energy Stories
12. Pranic tube and Comments
13. Grounding of Male/Female Gender Bodies
14. Grounding Meditation Male and Female Bodies
15. Aligning Heart and Chakras in Pranic Tube
16. Closing, first half
17. Discussion on Meditations
18. Elitom speaks on Conscious Nourishment
19. Meditation on Liquid Light
20. Discussion on Creating Water in Body
21. Sleep and Dream Patterns Shift
22. Whay and How to Nourish Yourself from Energy
23. Transition to Energy from Food
24. Physical and Conscious Ascension
25. Final Sound Meditation toward Breatharianism
Order your CD set here at Breatharian Meditations-An Audioclass
Tags: breatharian, CD, chi, Elitom Ben Yisrael, meditation, prana
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