Jericho Sunfire: A Story of a Breatharian Warrior – ebook

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In 2010, Jericho Sunfire published his first ebook called Jericho Sunfire: A Story of a Breatharian Warrior. In this 66 page ebook, Jericho Sunfire shares his story: his personal journey from a cooked food eater to fruitarian to liquidarian to breatharian and his personal opinions of the body’s ability to live food free. Learn how Jericho Sunfire conquered his mind and body’s addiction to food to reach the a higher state of breatharian health.

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Breatharianism & Saving the Planet

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Jericho Sunfire, a practicing breatharian, speaks at the Vegetarian forum in Copenhagan as a part of the COP 15 Climate Change Summit about the many benefits of breatharianism. In this 33 minute video, Jericho Sunfire will teach you about how breatharianism is one powerful method of saving the planet by reducing pollution, reducing waste, revitalizing the soil, and stopping addictive behaviors that are wasting our planet’s resources.

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Elitom Ben Yisrael: Challenges in Transitioning to Breatharianism (video)

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In his second video on Supreme Master TV, breatharian Elitom Ben Yisrael discusses the process of transitioning to become a breatharian. Elitom shares a very detailed look at the actual breatharian process, what to expect when transitioning, and how to overcome the challenges to become a successful breatharian.

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Dr. Christopher Schneider: A Breatharian Scientist

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Dr. Christopher Schneider is a chemist, Naturopath and breatharian coach living in Germany. In the summer of 1998, Dr. Schneider performed the 21 Day Process as taught by Jasmuheen and has since been living as a breatharian. In this 4-part video by Supreme Master Television we listen to Dr. Schneider and learn about his experience as a breatharian, breatharian coach, and Naturopathic healer.

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Jericho Sunfire: The Process: My Liquidarian Initiation.

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Jericho Sunfire achieved the breatharian state after a process of body detoxification through dietary changes.  Jericho Sunfire began his process by following fruitarian diet, changing to a liquidarian diet, and then moving into the food-free and water-free breatharian state.  In this section of Jericho Sunfire’s The Process video series, watch as Jericho teaches about his initiation into the liquidarian diet – the changes he experienced and the challenged he faced.

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Camila Castillos: A Breatharian Artist and Dancer

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Camilia Castillos is the wife of Akahi.  Both Camilia Castillos and Akahi live as breatharians – people who no longer eat physical food for energy.  Breatharians live on chi or prana – the Universal energy that exists everywhere.  In this 2-part video, learn how Camilia Castillos experiences her life as a breatharian.  Learn how she and Akahi transitioned from a vegetarian diet to fruitarian to breatharian.

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CNN – Mystic’s fast baffles doctors

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A 76-year-old Indian mystic claims to have survived the past 68 years — yes, years — without eating, drinking or going to the toilet.  A 10-day trial under 24 hour surveillance by a team of medical doctors has scientists baffled.  Prahlad Jani says his fasting ability is divinely inspired.

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Prahlad Jani Says He Has Lived Without Food or Water for 70 Years

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Prahlad Jani is an 83 year old holy man in India who says that he has lived without food or water for 70 years.  Watch this video clip that shows Prahlad Jani is his most recent observed study.  Learn how this man lives without food or water.

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Breatharians Akhai & Camila present Alegria*Tv #4 *Living from Love* insight with Dr Edith Chan

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Breatharians Akhai and Camila present episode #4 of there internet television show Alegria*. This episode features Dr. Edith Chan, doctor of Oriental Medicine. Learn about energy, meditation and symbols that activate our inner light code.

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Oberom C. Silva: Returning to Our Divine Self through Breatharianism (video)

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In this Master and Disciple video, we learn from Oberom C. Silva and he teaches how the practice of breatharianism helps us to return to our Divine Self.

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Isabelle Hercelin: Breatharianism as a Way of Life

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Learn about Isabelle Hercelin, a French woman, experiencing the breatharian lifestyle in this 4 part video interview by Supreme Master Television.

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The Venerable Master Guang Qin: Food-free through Samadhi (video)

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Master Guang Qin was a renowned Buddhist monk, teacher and cultivator in China. In this video we learn how Master Guang Qin lived without eating food because of his Samadhi experience in meditation.

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Elitom Ben Yisrael: Living a Holistic, Breatharian Lifestyle

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For over 10 years, Elitom Ben Yisrael has lived as a breatharian in the United States.  In this 3-part video by Supreme Master TV, Elitom Ben Yisrael shares his knowledge of breatharianism, holistic medicine, energy practices, physical exercises and diet. Learn how the social conditioning of our mind overrides our body’s natural ability to live without physical food and what is necessary to restore the mind and body back to the original design.

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Discovery Channel documentary on breatharian Prahlad Jani

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On June 26, 2006, The Discovery Channel aired a documentary featuring Prahlad Jani – a man who has not eaten food nor water for over 60 years. Dr. Sudhir Shah hypothesized that Prahlad Jani is receiving nourishment from the sun – similar to the sun yogi Hira Ratan Manek.

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Breatharians Akhai & Camila present *Alegria* TV Show #1-Breathe into your Greatness*

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Breatharians Akhai & Camila introduce their new internet TV show on breatharianism, energy empowerment, meditation, and spiritual knowledge.

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Akahi and Camila present Alegria* TV show #3 *Offering messages of Love to our Mother Earth and the Universe*

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Breatharians Akahi and Camila offer messages, prayers and meditations of Love to Mother Earth in this 3rd internet TV episode of Alegria*.

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Study on Yogi Prahlad Jani’s Fasting Miracles Concludes

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The recent study of Prahlad Jani – an 82 year old breatharian yogi living in northern India – has concluded after 15 days of observation by India’s Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences.  Medical doctors and scientists have proven that during his observation, Prahlad Jani did not eat, drink, urinate or defecate.  This is medically unprecedented. Read the rest of this entry »

Reine-Claire Lussier: Prana For a Busy Lifestyle (video)

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Breatharian Reine-Claire Lussier teaches us how to attract, store and use more Prana energy (qi/chi) during our daily life. Learn how you can add meditation and energy healing practices to your busy life as you work towards living as a food-free breatharian.

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Wiley Brooks on the Tomorrow Show with Tom Snyder

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On December 9 ,1981, Wiley Brooks appeared on the Tomorrow Show with Tom Snyder.  Wiley Brooks is one of the earliest public breatharians in modern times.  In this video interview, Wiley Brooks speaks about the breatharian state, the perfect design of the human body, living on vital energies in the air, and the process of becoming a breatharian.

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Jasmuheen Interview with Paula Gloria – video

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This 32 minute long video interview features Jasmuheen, a world famous pranic nourisher. Since the early 1970’s, Jasmuheen has been researching and experimenting with ancient, alternative nourishment sources that can feed us all – including breatharianism. Jasmuheen teaches that there is a free, limitless inner resource that can release us from many perceived human limitations. This energy source is prana.

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Akahi, a Breatharian in Vilcabamba – video

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Akahi is a breatharian who lives in Ecuador, South America. In March 2008, Akahi became a breatharian after a process of changing his diet and raising his body’s vibration. This video interview shares some of Akahi’s own ideas about the breatharian process and the future potential of humanity, including our changing DNA structure.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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