January 30th, 2025 by SunYogi

In his second interview by Supreme Master TV, breatharian Jericho Sunfire speaks about his transition from a diet of solid food to fruitarian to liquidarian to breatharian. This video interview will share you with the psychological and physical changes that Jericho Sunfire experienced as he works towards becoming a breatharian.
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January 28th, 2025 by SunYogi

Supreme Master TV features Jericho Sunfire in the television series Between Master and Disciples. In this video interview, we meet Jericho Sunfire – a breatharian and fitness guru living in the United Kingdom.
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January 25th, 2025 by SunYogi

Jericho Sunfire achieved the breatharian state after a process of body detoxification through dietary changes. Jericho Sunfire began his process by following fruitarian diet, changing to a liquidarian diet, and then moving into the food-free and water-free breatharian state. In the final section of Jericho Sunfire’s The Process video series, learn about the changes that Jericho experienced as he transitioned into a breatharian diet and what it is like living as a food-free and water-free breatharian.
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January 20th, 2025 by SunYogi

In 2010, Jericho Sunfire published his first ebook called Jericho Sunfire: A Story of a Breatharian Warrior. In this 66 page ebook, Jericho Sunfire shares his story: his personal journey from a cooked food eater to fruitarian to liquidarian to breatharian and his personal opinions of the body’s ability to live food free. Learn how Jericho Sunfire conquered his mind and body’s addiction to food to reach the a higher state of breatharian health.
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January 19th, 2025 by SunYogi

Jericho Sunfire, a practicing breatharian, speaks at the Vegetarian forum in Copenhagan as a part of the COP 15 Climate Change Summit about the many benefits of breatharianism. In this 33 minute video, Jericho Sunfire will teach you about how breatharianism is one powerful method of saving the planet by reducing pollution, reducing waste, revitalizing the soil, and stopping addictive behaviors that are wasting our planet’s resources.
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January 18th, 2025 by SunYogi

Jericho Sunfire achieved the breatharian state after a process of body detoxification through dietary changes. Jericho Sunfire began his process by following fruitarian diet, changing to a liquidarian diet, and then moving into the food-free and water-free breatharian state. In this section of Jericho Sunfire’s The Process video series, watch as Jericho teaches about his initiation into the liquidarian diet – the changes he experienced and the challenged he faced.
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December 29th, 2024 by SunYogi

Jericho Sunfire achieved the breatharian state after a process of body detoxification through dietary changes. Jericho Sunfire began his process by following fruitarian diet, changing to a liquidarian diet, and then moving into the food-free and water-free breatharian state. In the first part of Jericho Sunfire’s The Process video series, Jericho teaches how he began practicing the fruitarian diet. He describes the difficulties he faced with detoxification and food addiction, and the amazing benefits he achieved during his fruitarian initiation.
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December 27th, 2024 by SunYogi

Breatharian Jericho Sunfire teaches about the state of breatharianism and process of becoming a breatharian in this 1 hour 11 minute video. Learn Jericho Sunfire’s own views of breatharian, breatharian teachings and methods, and the difficulties that people often face on the path to becoming a breatharian. Listen to what Jericho Sunfire has learned in his path from fruitarian to liquidarian to breatharian in this video.
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