Slash Your Prostate Cancer Risk — With Sunlight!

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A new study published in the British Journel of Cancer shows that high levels of Vitamin D can reduce the likelihood of death from prostate cancer by 7 times.

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Living on Light Research with HRM

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The following research was done on Hira Ratan Manek, a Jain man who spent 411 under constant medical supervision while he ‘fasted’ on only water and solar energy.

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Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention – video

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As part of the Diagnosis & Treament of Vitamin D Seminar video series, UCSD School of Medicine and GrassrootsHealth present the Dose-Response of Vitamin D and the Prevention of Cancer lecture. This 40 minute lecture by Dr. Cedric Garland, Dr. P.H. shows how adequate amounts of Vitamin D will prevent numerous types of disease and cancer.

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‘Quiet Sun’ baffling astronomers

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The Sun is the dimmest it has been for nearly a century. There are no sunspots, very few solar flares – and our nearest star is the quietest it has been for a very long time. This BBC News article shares recent scientific research and opinion to explain this modern mystery. A 1-minute video clip from BBC News is included.

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Sunlight, Sexuality, and Mental Health

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Biochemist Loren Pickart shares research on the effects sunlight has on the human body.  Research on Sexuality, fertility, hormones, sex drive, depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), schizophrenia, vitamin D, and the pineal gland is presented in this article.

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Sun’s Atmosphere Sings

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Astronomers have recorded heavenly music bellowed out by the Sun’s atmosphere. reports the Royal Astronomical Society’s findings.

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Feasting on Sunshine by Dr. Mercola

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The largest alternative health website online posted a comprehensive article on Sun Gazing on January 8, 2009.  This article discussses the practice and process of Sun Gazing, Hira Ratan Manek, the pineal gland, skeptics’ opinions, and research findings.

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Dr. Mercola’s lecture on Vitamin D with video

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Vitamin D deficiency is pandemic in the United States, but many Americans, including physicians, are not aware that they may be lacking this important nutrient.

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Goodbye Cancer, Hello Sun Exposure? video

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This 5-minute video interview features reknowned natural health advocate Dr. Mercola and sunlight and vitamin D expert Dr. William Grant, a research scientist with NASA and SUNARC: Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center.

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Proof Positive – Why We Need Sunlight

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A detailed, scientific explanation of our need for sunlight by Dr. Neil Nedley, M.D. This excerpt on the necessity for daily sunlight exposure is taken from his highly aclaimed book Proof Positive.

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Why governments are selling Vitamin D short

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With all of the remarkable health benefits of sunlight and vitamin D, why haven’t governments and federal health organizations been supporting the sunlight vitamin? Studies keep piling up that prove vitamin D’s amazing health benefits in nearly every area of human health. An still vitamin D receives little or no media attention. Why is this?

In this in-depth article by Sam Apple, we learn the reason why governments are unlikely to support a vitamin gotten from the sun. Could it be greed for money? Inability to regulate and control something as natural as sunlight? Is it lack of research or funding? Or perhaps upsetting the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry?  Learn how deep the rabbit hole goes in this article by Sam Apple.

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Vitamin D research may have doctors prescribing sunshine

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Science is confirming the amazing health benefits of sunshine. More and more doctors and health experts are recommending daily exposure to safe sunlight for improved mental and physical health. Health experts are even questioning the effectiveness and safety of sunscreen and sunblock lotions. This USA Today articles features information from the American Cancer Society, Harvard University, Columbia University, and University of Pennsylvania health experts and dermatologists.

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Healing effects of Far Infrared Light

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The greatest amount of the sun’s energy output is in the infrared segment of the spectrum. This band of light has been shown to have many beneficial effects on health, detoxification, and longevity.  This article on Far Infrared Light summaries some of the many benefits of this energy band of sunlight.

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Endocrine Secretions During Sungazing

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This article by Wayne Purdin examines how the pineal and other endocrine glands secrete other hormones during sungazing, which create not just a high, but greater energy, longevity and experiences of samadhi or higher consciousness.

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Vitamin D and Your Health – Prostate Cancer

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Prostate cancer kills 31,000 American men every year, the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men. Did you know that sunlight has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer? In addition, prostate cancer cells have Vitamin D receptors – leading scientists to believe that sunlight and Vitamin D can be used to fight cancer in the body.

This article has been removed from at the request of the Vitamin D Council.

May we all one day learn to share our love, light, and knowledge as freely as the Sun, whom shares itself without restriction to all of life upon this planet.

Sunlight Saunas to be featured on Oprah

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Sunlight Saunas brand of far infrared saunas are the only far infrared saunas with proven scientific research and endorsed by the American Heart Association and numerous health experts.  Sunlight Saunas use a panels of carbon to produce far infrared energy.  These carbon panels most accurately replicate the far infrared energy produced by the sun.  Sunlight Saunas are the only brand of far infrared sauna that has proven effective for:

  • Significantly lowered blood pressure
  • Significant weight loss
  • Significantly lowered blood sugar
  • Significantly increased blood flow
  • Lowered cholesterol
  • Lowered triglycerides
  • Relieved suffering from arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and certain skin conditions

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Breakthrough Information You Need to Know About Vitamin D (part 1)

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In recent years vitamin D has emerged as a star of the “vitamin” world. There’s no question about it — vitamin D is garnering more excitement than any other vitamin out there, and deservedly so. Why all the enthusiasm? Read this article by Dr. Mercola to learn why.

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Vitamin D could stave off mental decline in the elderly

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Taking vitamin D supplements in middle age could cut the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in later life, scientists say. The vitamin, made when our skin is exposed to sunlight, is already credited with keeping the immune system and bones strong and preventing some cancers. And the latest study found high levels were also closely linked to keeping mentally sharp in old age. Read the rest of this entry »

Breakthrough Information You Need to Know About Vitamin D (part 2)

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In recent years vitamin D has emerged as a star of the “vitamin” world. There’s no question about it — vitamin D is garnering more excitement than any other vitamin out there, and deservedly so. Why all the enthusiasm? Read this article by Dr. Mercola to learn why.

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Connection with Vitamin D and Cancer – video

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Donald Trump, MD of Rosewell Park Cancer Institute presents a 46 minutes lecture titled Vitamin D Deficiency: Analysis and Approach in a Comprehensive Cancer Center. Learn how Vitamin D has been used to treat many forms of cancer and to prevent new cancers from developing.

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Sunlight Saunas for cellular detoxification

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Research into the healing effects of far infrared energy have proven that this band of frequency helps to body detoxify harmful chemicals and toxins. Sunlight Saunas brand of far infrared saunas has proven to be the most effective sauna on the market today. Because Sunlight Saunas operate at temperatures 60 to 80 degrees lower than conventional saunas and use specialized far infrared waves, the detoxification is from 7 to 10 times greater.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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