Ayurveda on Sunshine and Sunscreen

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India’s oldest natural medicine,  Ayurveda,  is a giant collection of knowledge about the human body.  In this Ayurvedic article by Dr. Helen Thomas, we learn Ayurveda’s knowledge and the benefits of sunlight and proper sunlight exposure.  Learn what Ayurveda recommends as a natural alternative to modern chemical sunscreen.

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6 Striking Health Effects of Vitamin D

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According to Boston University researchers, between 30 to 50% of children and adults in the United States are at high risk for vitamin D deficiency. Experts believe that sensible exposure to sun may be the best way to deal with this preventable medical condition. Learn what 6 serious health conditions are helped by sunlight and vitamin D.

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Sunlight’s Healthy Rays Help Guard Against Autism

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Is the lack of healthy sunlight exposure and vitamin D in a child’s mother the cause of childhood autism? Mothers missing on the first source of vitamin D can affect their child’s health. Without a neurosteroid that depends on vitamin D, called calcitriol, prenatal children do not regulate brain development well enough to fully develop. The neurosteroid also protects against viral infections during pregnancy that can contribute to poor development.

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Safe Ayurvedic Sunscreen Oil

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This is a continuation of Dr. Helen Thomas’ earlier article called Ayurveda on Sunshine and Sunscreen. In this article Ayurveda Doctor Thomas presents her Ayurvedic alternative to sunscreen. Do you know what natural oil Dr. Thomas will recommend? Read more to find out!

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Can Sunlight Help Prevent Skin Cancer?

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We’ve heard countless times that sunlight causes skin cancer. We’ve also seen that there is little or even no scientific evidence to support the claim that sunlight causes skin cancer. It appears to be a rather clever marketing pitch for sunscreen. In this article by the University of California, San Francisco, we learn that sunlight actually helps to prevent skin cancer. The scientific evidence is in: “the sun may not be entirely the enemy some people think it is…vitamin D that sunlight helps the body create may help prevent a number of cancers, including skin cancer.”

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Vitamin D is better than ANY vaccine and increases the immune system by 3-5 times (video)

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Dr. Joe Prendergast, M.D. shares an extensive list of major medical studies that show how since 1921 medical doctors have been discovering that vitamin D and sunlight can help to fight and cure nearly every human disease – ranging from influenza, osteoporosis, tuberculosis, and over 17 types of cancer. Learn why Dr. Prendergast considered Vitamin D the body’s best medicine in this short 8-minute video.

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Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? Part 4

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Read part 4 of Cardiologist Stephen Sinatra’s interview on his new book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?
Learn why standing barefoot on the Earth may be the most important health change that a person can make. Read science that shows how the human body must receive electromagnetic energies from Earth to stabilize the body’s fundamental biological rhythms and restore all the body’s systems to optimal health.

For anyone practicing Sun Gazing – where Earthing (standing barefoot on the Earth) is necessary – I highly recommend this reading this article and buying Dr. Stephen Sinatra’s book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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