Institute of Healing and Alternative Therapy to teach Suryayog
On June 9, 2003, The Times of India annoucned that The Institute of Healing and Alternative Therapy in Patna, India will begin teaching courses on Suryayog and the power of the Sun.
On June 9, 2003, The Times of India annoucned that The Institute of Healing and Alternative Therapy in Patna, India will begin teaching courses on Suryayog and the power of the Sun.
Surya Swami gives this interview to The Times of India on June 6, 2003. Surya Swami teaches Suryayog a yoga practice that includes gazing at the sun with naked eye, chanting mantras, deep breathing, a few yogic postures and bowing to Nature.
Suryayog is for penetrating darkness of gross materialism to find the enlightened domain of inner self. The healing powers of the Sun’s rays and love-energy bring about balance and harmony of body, mind and soul.
This article by The Times of India shares the connection between the Love and the Sun, as taught in India’s greatest spiritual texts. Connection are made in the teachings of Jesus, Tagore, and the Torah.
The Times of India interviewed Swami Surya Jowel, one of India’s most famous sun gazers. Swami Surya Jowel was asked about to compare religion and spirituality, how to achieve spiritual realisation, the importance of Suryayog, and the naure of Surya or the Sun.
This article published by The Times of India writes of the spiritual power of the Sun (Surya) and the pracitce of Suryayog. Suryayog is a dynamic spiritual yoga which brings us in tune with nature and the inner self. We are drawn towards eternal light, from the human to the Supreme. Read the rest of this entry »
Doing Suryayog daily will balance the five elements in the body (fire, earth, ether, air and water), the seven chakras and planetary vibrations, purifying the halo of light. One can reach the divine through Suryayog, which is the enlightened form of prayer-cum-meditation.
Suryayog is the yoga of the Sun. It is an ancient yogic technique that has recently re-surfaced in India. Suryayog involves just 3 steps: Sungazing, Meditation and Circle of Light, and can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age or faith.
This article reminds us of the importance of the Sun in our lives. If there is a wonder drug or cure-all it would be the Sun.
Living in India is a guru who feeds himself on sunlight – an ancient spiritual practice learned from yogis and saints. Suryaji is spreading a message of higher spiritual understanding, the message of Surya (Sun) Yoga.
“Human beings are accustomed to feeding themselves only with solid, liquid and gaseous elements and what do they do with the fourth element, Fire and Light? Nothing. They have not learnt how to sustain themselves with light and yet it is even more necessary than air. As long as he continues to nourish his brain only with solid, liquid or gaseous elements (which the brain needs the least), man’s understanding will be very limited. He may understand material things, but he will never be able to grasp the mysteries of the Universe”
Swami Surya presented at The Institute of Healing and Alternative Therapy. Surya Swami said that negative thoughts can be removed through music therapy and unconditional love.
Suryayog is a dynamic spiritual yoga. Surya Swami, the founder of this natural technique to meditate and attain self-realisation has answers for the inner selves. He says that Suryayog takes us from Saguna Swaroop towards Nirguna Swaroop, which is from the human form to that of God.
Suryayog is an ancient sun based technique, being taught freely througout the world. Done best at sunrise time, this technique can help regain the harmony with nature, which is very much needed in this fast pace world.
This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.