Om liberates us at the time of death

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India’s most sacred text The Bhagavad Gita teaches us “Having confined the mind in the heart and…engaged in the practice of concentration, uttering the one-syllabled Om–the Brahman–and remembering Me, he who departs, leaving the body, attains to the Supreme Goal.” “If he meditates on the Supreme Being with the Syllable Om, he becomes one with the Light, the Sun. He is led to the world of Brahman.” (Prashna Upanishad)

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Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception: The Evolution of Planets into Suns

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The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception teaches: “When the beings upon a planet have evolved to a sufficient degree, the planet becomes a Sun. When the beings upon it have evolved to a still greater degree,  it breaks up into Zodiac, becoming, so to speak, the womb for a new Solar System.”

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The Healing Power of the Sunlight: Another Method for Absorbing the Rays of the Sun

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Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800–August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.

The Healing Power of the Sunlight is one of Jakob’s books, which discusses the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of sunlight and ways to effectively use the sunlight for healing and spiritual awakening.

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The Healing Power of the Sunlight: A New Sun Remedy

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Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800–August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.

The Healing Power of the Sunlight is one of Jakob’s books, which discusses the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of sunlight and ways to effectively use the sunlight for healing and spiritual awakening.

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The Healing Power of the Sunlight: First Chapter by the Lord

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Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800–August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.

The Healing Power of the Sunlight is one of Jakob’s books, which discusses the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of sunlight and ways to effectively use the sunlight for healing and spiritual awakening.

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The Healing Sun: Sunlight, Brittle Bones, and Osteoporosis

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The Healing Sun by Richard Hobday presents evidence showing an increase in disease with a decrease in sunlight exposure.  This article addresses the topic: Sunlight, Brittle Bones, and Osteoporosis.

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The SOLution – a 4-CD audio book by Wayne Purdin

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The SOLution is a 4 CD audio book with over 4 and a half hours of sunlight energy research, including the science, the history, the practice, and the people.

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The Healing Power of the Sunlight: A Fourth Method of Using the Sunlight for Healing Purposes

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Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800–August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.

The Healing Power of the Sunlight is one of Jakob’s books, which discusses the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of sunlight and ways to effectively use the sunlight for healing and spiritual awakening.

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Surya Namaskara by Swami Satyananda Saraswati (video)

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Swami Satyananda Saraswati has written an extensive book on the practice of Surya Namaskar, the yoga Sun Salutation. This book teaches the complete Surya Namaskar technique, including the correct sequence of asanas, breathing pranayama, concentration locations, mantra, and bandhas. The inner meaning / esoteric science of Surya Namaskar is also explained. This book is highly recommended by Sunlightenment to deepen your Sun Yoga spiritual practice and improve your health.

Included in this post is a video example of the Surya Namaskar yoga practice, including the sacred bija mantras for each asana movement.

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The Healing Power of the Sunlight: The Most Important Nourishment for Mankind

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Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800–August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.

The Healing Power of the Sunlight is one of Jakob’s books, which discusses the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of sunlight and ways to effectively use the sunlight for healing and spiritual awakening.

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Akhenaten and the Hymn to the Sun

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Akhenaten, also known as Amenhotep IV, was a Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. He ruled for 17 years and died in 1336 BC or 1334 BC. Akhenaten transformed Egypt when he abandoned traditional Egyptian polytheism religion and introduced a monotheistic religion that centered on the worship of the Aten or the Sun. Akhenaten’ s name means “Effective spirit of Aten” or “Spirit of the Sun”.

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The Healing Sun: How Common is Vitamin D Deficiency?

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The Healing Sun by Richard Hobday presents evidence showing an increase in disease with a decrease in sunlight exposure.  This article asks the question: How Common is Vitamin D Deficiency?

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Sound Current Rider’s Journey into the Sun

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In his book Warriors of the Sound Current, Steve DeWitt descirbes his out of body Soul travel journey into the Sun. Steve DeWitt describes Soul travel as:

“Soul projection, in contrast to astral travel, is the ability to expand one’s consciousness beyond the limitations of the physical body, as well as the astral, causal and mental bodies by using the Sound Current. (The Sound Current is another name for Divine Spirit, which is visible as light and audible as sound.) [To experience Soul travel] I needed to realize that I am Soul, an individual unit of consciousness that is one with the essence of God. I had to comprehend that as Soul I am neither male nor female; that I am eternal; that I cannot be harmed; and that I exist above the boundaries of space, time, and duality.”

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Tales of Taoist Immortals: Lao Tzu Gazed at the Sun

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In her book Tales of the Taoist Immortals, Eva Wong shares early stories of Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism and author of the Tao Te Ching. Early stories of Lao Tzu tell how Lao Tzu “radiated a golden glow”, “gazed at the sun and smiled” and “swallowed the rays of sun and stars”. Are these ancient records of Lao Tzu practicing sun gazing?

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Daylight Robbery: Sunlight – the ultimate detoxifier?

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In his book Daylight Robbery: The Importance of Sunlight to Health, Dr. Damien Downing shares research from Russia that shows that animals exposed to the higher amounts of sunlight were capable of removing toxins out of their body considerably faster than animals reared away from the sun. Even difficult to remove toxins like lead, cadmium, mercury, liver poisons and neurotoxins were detoxed from 2 – 20 times as fast.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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