The Healing Power of the Sunlight: First Chapter by the Lord

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Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800–August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.

The Healing Power of the Sunlight is one of Jakob’s books, which discusses the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of sunlight and ways to effectively use the sunlight for healing and spiritual awakening.

The Healing Power of the Sunlight

A Revelation from the Spirit of God Received through the Inner Word And written down by The prophet Jakob Lorber


On March 15th, 1840, our Lord, Jesus Christ, selected Jakob Lorber to serve as His scribe, and record what was dictated to him. He served in this capacity for 24 years, and in that time frame wrote 25 volumes, everyone of which is a fantastic disclosure of information from our Father to His children.

This important revelation about the healing power of sunlight was received by Jakob Lorber through the Inner Word, in Graz, Austria in the year 1851.

Regarding the matter, one does not have to be too particular about the precise measure and weight, but one should be concerned, above all, to have the right faith and proper trust in Me, for you know that I am quite capable of drowning someone in a few drops of water and keeping alive another one who has fallen into the ocean.

The materials used in the sun cure have no effect anyway, except that they have to absorb and retain the sunrays under the prescribed conditions. Once these materials have served their purpose and are used for cases of sickness, together with the given diet, with proper faith as prescribed, they will not fail to be effective.

Above all, an unselfish good will and firm faith are needed, especially n the part of the helper, in order to help a sufferer with this revealed grace of Mine through the power of – 8 – My Name, for you cannot always expect the sufferer to possess a complete faith. However, if the sufferer also fully believes, the effect of the remedy will be all the more certain and speedy.

In ancient times when the earth was already inhabited by humans, these people used the light and warmth of the sun as the sole means of restoring their health whenever they felt some discomfort in their body.

They placed their sick in the sun, bared those parts of the body where the sick felt a weakness, discomfort or pain, and he soon became better.

If the sick had something wrong with his stomach, he had to expose the stomach area to the sunlight for a while, drink some water from a pure spring which had been exposed to the sun, and his condition soon improved. As a matter of fact, the early dwellers on this earth hardly ever drank water which had not, if at all possible, been exposed to the sunlight for a while.

They did not have any deep and covered wells, and no one would drink water from a spring to which the sunlight could not penetrate, for they knew, and could also see it, that bad and sometimes even evil spirits dwell in such water until they are driven out through the power of the heavenly sunlight.

Look, there lies a deep truth in what has been said so far, for the light of the sun carries purer spirits with it, as you can well imagine. These spirits are closely related to the substantial parts of the human soul. When the soul is strengthened through the influence of such pure spirits it can easily and quickly overcome some weakness in its body, since the health of the body always solely depends on a sufficiently strong soul.

Wherever some weakness first appears in the substantial parts of the soul and the soul is unable to gain strength for these weakened parts in a proper way, it resorts to its own nerve essence, drawing from it what it lacks. The result is, as in discharged electrical bottles (today, batteries, the ed.) an obvious shortage in the nerves, of the life fluidum through which alone the right current is sustained. The nerves become as if hungry, absorb still impure nourishment from the blood, and when this happens it, of course, leads to an unnatural life process in the nature of the flesh, resulting in the development of all kinds of sickness, depending on how they relate, based on the deeper soul calculations, to one or the other part of the soul that has become weakened.

However, since in the purer sun spirits all those particular soul substances are present out of which the soul is made, it is easy for the soul to take from them all that it lacks for its strengthening, thereby restoring the former order in its nerve essence and through it, in its nerves and blood, the proper natural life current.

Because of this, a proper homeopathic treatment is, in many respects, much more preferable to any allopathic treatment.

For, through homeopathy the soul becomes the physician for its body when it has absorbed from outside something it lacked or in which, at least, it was weakened.

With allopathic treatment, however, the body is forced to first become the physician for its soul. And only when the soul, usually through great misery of the body, has retained its health, can it retroactively begin to restore its body. This is surely the most unsuitable way for regaining the full health of the body which is obvious when one looks at the lengthy process of a very sick body’s recovery. Thus, homeopathy is a proper healing method, but note that there are two kinds of homeopathy, namely:

First, there is a special one (the one founded by Hahnemann, the Ed.), whose results are not quite certain because even the most skilled physician cannot always recognize for sure where and in which parts the soul is weakened. Therefore, he is unable to apply the correct soul specific. This is, of course, possible to a physician who is reborn in the spirit, whereas for one who is not completely, or usually not at all reborn, it is, notwithstanding his acumen and skill, difficult or even impossible.

For this reason the second kind of homeopathy which, to distinguish it from the first, I will call the general, should preferably be taken into consideration, as with it no physician could make a mistake – if at least he has some skill. And this type of homeopathy I have mentioned to you in advance on the 16th July 1851, concerning the healing power of the sunrays.

Now you would naturally ask: “How can this be done?”

I have already shown you one way which is, or would be, sufficient if men would observe the way of life today which was faithfully observed by mankind in the past.

The present way of life, when because of all kinds of artificial foods, the soul is deprived of, rather than supplied with nutrients, or given completely bad ones, the ancients’ method of using the sunlight is not sufficiently effective.

Therefore, I will tell you of several treatments, including the necessary diet. If this is strictly observed using the shown sunlight medicine, – but mind this: very strictly! – you can, with certainty, heal every illness whatever it may be.

Even external injuries to the body can be healed if this medicine is dispensed in the proper way.

Now let us look at the special ways how the health-giving substance from the sunlight can best be combined with some fine substances and how it can then be used in cases of sickness.

It is obvious that the sunlight substance can be combined with a variety of materials, if you only look at a meadow. Just pick any little plant, smell and taste it, and both smell and taste will tell you: “We originate from the light and warmth of the sun!”

If you expose a sheet of glass for some extended time to the sunlight, it will begin to show all kinds of colours on its outer surface. Why not on the inner surface, too? Because the inner surface is not exposed to the sunrays first strike.

Place a pot plant in a dark cellar. Even if it does flower, the blossoms will show no colour at all or only a very pale colour.

This shows that the colours of flowers and fruits are also a work of the active light spirits of the sun ray.

In those countries which you call “the hot ones”, the opalescence of plants and even animals is far more vivid and richer than is the case in the temperate, or even the cold, zone where most things assume a grey shade, do not have a very strong perfume and often have a harsh and bitter taste equal to the harshness and bitterness of the judged spirits banned in the earth.

Here one could say: “But if all the species of plants and also the minerals, especially in the hot zones, contain so much of the sun’s light substance, no further artificial methods would be needed to draw from the sun what can easily be obtained in quite a natural way. This is true, and so far most medical practices have been based on this.

Whoever uses known healing herbs will certainly always feel their effect. But no healing herb exists which is able to absorb all the healing substance from the sunrays. Every plant absorbs only what is homogeneous to it and cannot absorb anything else, since its structure is such that it can absorb from the sunlight only what is required by it. (The same applies to the minerals, the Ed.)

If a physician were able to establish from a sick soul exactly which life-specifics have become weak within it, or are even lacking, and knew also the little herb which contains these particular life specifics, he would definitely be able to restore a sick soul or, which is the same, a sick person, to complete health.

But since such deeper knowledge of a person and his soul is as unknown to an ordinary physician as is as yet undiscovered continent, medicine is, and remains, to him a guess rather than knowledge. So what people learned through experience and occasional lucky experiments concerning the healing powers of plants, minerals and animals, they mostly apply to the healing of their sick, and with most physicians the Nordic saying could be applies where such a physician is compared to a cudgel: “If the cudgel is lucky enough to strike the sickness, the patient improves, but if the cudgel strikes the patient instead of the disease, the patient dies!”

Here we are not concerned with old experiences or new test results for the healing of people, but with an Arcanum (a secret remedy, the Ed.), as it were, which is capable of re-animating sick mankind, as long as the body mechanism allows it, in the same way that an ever-stronger growing light in spring re-animates plants and animals, provided their organism is capable of receiving such a re-animation. For, mind this, there does not exist an Arcanum for an eternal life of the body together with the soul on earth, as dreamed of by some miracle physicians. However, to the extent that in My order a person is allowed to live his physical life, he is able – with a proper diet and the right use of the Arcanum – to reach a ripe old age in good health.

Thanks to these explanations, everyone can understand how the most varied life-specifics out of the rays of the sun can do something with nature, and so we can now begin with the particular method for the absorption of such sunrays.

To download the entire ebook The Healing Power of the Sunlight, click here.



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This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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