Welcome to Sunlightenment

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Welcome to Sunlightenment, a sun gazing, surya yoga, and sun yoga weblog.  Within the next few weeks, this weblog will grow to include a vast library of resources – including articles, ebooks, interviews, audio mp3s, and videos.

Since I began sun gazing in 2004, I have collected a large library of resources to aid myself in this revolutionary spiritual and lifestyle practice.  Now, four years later, I am sharing my resources and knowledge to help and assist spiritual seekers in their practice of sun gazing and sun yoga.

Within this weblog, you will have access to as much free information and I can find.  I will be continuously adding new content as it becomes available.  So check back often or subscribe to my RSS feed.

If you wish to add your own documents, videos, etc to this weblog, please contact using the contact form on the right.



This entry was posted on Monday, January 20th, 2025 at 5:23 pm and is filed under Announcements.

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One Comment

LukaszMrowka said:

on February 12th, 2009

Thank you so much for the blog, I’ll be digging slowly and chewing all this new information. Due to inner guidance I was led back to sun gazing. I remember having a mystical experience with the sun when I was young.
Peace n’ Progress


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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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