Feasting on Sunshine by Dr. Mercola

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The largest alternative health website online posted a comprehensive article on Sun Gazing on January 8, 2009.  This article discussses the practice and process of Sun Gazing, Hira Ratan Manek, the pineal gland, skeptics’ opinions, and research findings.

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Light, Eating the Wild Electron – article by Gabriel Cousens

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Gabriel Cousens, M.D., M.D.(H), Dip. Ayurveda, runs the Tree of Life Rejuventation Center in the sunny state of Arizona, USA.  In this article, Dr. Cousens shares research on how sunlight is utilized by the human body and its cells.

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Jesus Christ on Sun Gazing & Physical Nourishment

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In the book Love Without End: Jesus Speaks, author Glenda Green shares dialogue from her meeting with the Ascended Master Jesus Christ. In this conversation Jesus Christ teaches that when the human body’s energy frequency is high enough – embodying more love, heart energy, and adamantine particles – the body will be able to produce it’s own nourishment from the sunlight.

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The Influence of the Solar Energy by Peter Deunov (part 2)

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Peter Deunov, the master teacher of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, teaches in this article how the sun’s energy can heal various parts of our physical bodies and increase our overall health. This article looks in depth at the seasons and daylight hours, teaching how the changing levels of sunlight affect different parts of the body.

“All the world renders homage to me and I render homage to the Master Peter Deunov from Bulgaria.” -Albert Einstein

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Goodbye Cancer, Hello Sun Exposure? video

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This 5-minute video interview features reknowned natural health advocate Dr. Mercola and sunlight and vitamin D expert Dr. William Grant, a research scientist with NASA and SUNARC: Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center.

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Proof Positive – Why We Need Sunlight

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A detailed, scientific explanation of our need for sunlight by Dr. Neil Nedley, M.D. This excerpt on the necessity for daily sunlight exposure is taken from his highly aclaimed book Proof Positive.

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Why governments are selling Vitamin D short

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With all of the remarkable health benefits of sunlight and vitamin D, why haven’t governments and federal health organizations been supporting the sunlight vitamin? Studies keep piling up that prove vitamin D’s amazing health benefits in nearly every area of human health. An still vitamin D receives little or no media attention. Why is this?

In this in-depth article by Sam Apple, we learn the reason why governments are unlikely to support a vitamin gotten from the sun. Could it be greed for money? Inability to regulate and control something as natural as sunlight? Is it lack of research or funding? Or perhaps upsetting the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry?  Learn how deep the rabbit hole goes in this article by Sam Apple.

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The Healing Sun: Rickets and Osteomalacia

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The Healing Sun by Richard Hobday presents evidence showing an increase in disease with a decrease in sunlight exposure.  This article discusses: Rickets and Osteomalacia — The ‘Diseases of Darkness’

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“Why Sun Gaze” Richard Blumenthal audio interview

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This 1 hour 36 minute interview with Richard Blumenthal and Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) is a detailed account of the benefits and emerging science of sun gazing and sunlight exposure.

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Suryayog the Panacea

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“The human body is not mere flesh and bones but also has electromagnetic dust, where rays from the Sun (Surya) can cause positive vibrations to balance the body, mind and spirit naturally. [The] human body is a gigantic Atomic Reactor and a moving Power House. Brain is the Generator and heart is the Transmitter”.

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Hira Ratan Manek at Raw Spirit Fest 2007

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In 2007 Hira Ratan Manek presented Sun Gazing at the Raw Spirit Fest in Sedona, Arizona. This video clip presents valuable information on the practice of sun gazing and how the human brain is a super computer that uses sunlight as it’s power source.

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Vitamin D research may have doctors prescribing sunshine

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Science is confirming the amazing health benefits of sunshine. More and more doctors and health experts are recommending daily exposure to safe sunlight for improved mental and physical health. Health experts are even questioning the effectiveness and safety of sunscreen and sunblock lotions. This USA Today articles features information from the American Cancer Society, Harvard University, Columbia University, and University of Pennsylvania health experts and dermatologists.

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Vitamin D kills the flu virus so STOP BLOCKING OUR SUNLIGHT ! (video)

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Learn the how the modern scientific discoveries about Vitamin D and immunity is causing medical science to re-examine all of their research. New studies show the importance of Vitamin D in your body and how Vitamin D deficiency is possibly the root cause of nearly every major illness.

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New Research Speaks In Favor Of Moderate Sun Exposure

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Dr. William B. Grant, PhD, an internationally known research scientist who recently retired from NASA’s Langley Research Center, has discovered that moderate sun exposure is necessary to fight numerous forms of internal cancers.

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Between Master and Disciples: Hira Ratan Manek – Sun Gazing for Peace and Good Health

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Supreme Master Television, created a weekly series on breatharianism. These television shows feature a different breatharian and method of prana energy nourishment in each video episode. This video of the Between Master and Disciple Breatharian series is called Sun Gazing for Peace and Good Health, featuring sun gazer Hira Ratan Manek. Watch this 35 minute video clip to learn more about Hira Ratan Manek and his practice of sun gazing.

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Healing effects of Far Infrared Light

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The greatest amount of the sun’s energy output is in the infrared segment of the spectrum. This band of light has been shown to have many beneficial effects on health, detoxification, and longevity.  This article on Far Infrared Light summaries some of the many benefits of this energy band of sunlight.

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Every human cell has vitamin D receptors

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Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, is different from other vitamins in that it influences your entire body — receptors that respond to the vitamin have been found in almost every type of human cell, from your brain to your bones.

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Why Vitamin D Supplements Are NOT the Same as Sunlight

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The assumption that vitamin D supplements will protect you against diseases associated with low vitamin D levels is incorrect, according to Australian researchers. The report found that vitamin D supplements are immunosuppressive and may actually make diseases worse.

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Discovery Channel documentary on breatharian Prahlad Jani

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On June 26, 2006, The Discovery Channel aired a documentary featuring Prahlad Jani – a man who has not eaten food nor water for over 60 years. Dr. Sudhir Shah hypothesized that Prahlad Jani is receiving nourishment from the sun – similar to the sun yogi Hira Ratan Manek.

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Does Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Autism?

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Recently Scientific American magazine has published articles showing the new scientific research on vitamin D deficiency and austism. This artlce by New Autism Cure highlight this research to show how vitamin D deficiency is the most likely cause of this debilitating childhood developmental disease.

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The Energy-giving Sun as Protector and Sustainer

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The Times of India interviewed Swami Surya Jowel, one of India’s most famous sun gazers.  Swami Surya Jowel was asked about to compare religion and spirituality, how to achieve spiritual realisation, the importance of Suryayog, and the naure of Surya or the Sun.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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