The Green Flash of the Sun

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There is a rare phenomenon where the rising and setting Sun produces a green flash of light just above it’s surface. On occasion, photographers and scientists have witnessed this phenomenon. This short article includes a magnificent photograph of the green flash of the setting sun.

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Spotlight on Sunlight

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All of us need to get some sunlight in order to remain healthy. Some scientists are now considering sunlight a “super nutrient”. Let’s look at the ways that sunlight helps our bodies.

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Lack of Light Causes High Blood Pressure?

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Around the world, the farther one gets from the equator, the more likely you are to find people with high blood pressure. Lack of exposure to ultraviolet light may actually contribute to the rise in blood pressure in higher latitudes, according to a new theory from an Alabama researcher.

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An Introduction to Green Flashes of the Sun

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People have observed a rare phenomenon that occurs during sunrise and sunset. Brillant green flashes of light appear shortly above the horizon as the sun is setting or rising. Some scientists have studied this phenomenon, confirming that this is a genuine natural occurance and not a photographic mishap. This article explains the Green Flash phenomenon.

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The Hidden Reality of Solar Light (part 1)

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This article by Dr. Mitchell Gibson tells how the hidden nature of sunlight holds an important key to higher human evolution. Part 1 of this article looks at the five major components of Sunlight: Information Factors, Universal Forces, Energetic Factors, Evolutionary Factors, and Enlightenment Factors.

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The Hidden Reality of Solar Light (part 2)

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This article by Dr. Mitchell Gibson tells how the hidden nature of sunlight holds an important key to higher human evolution. Part 2 of this article looks at how the body absorbs and uses the energetic factors of the Sun through the human body’s brain and glands.

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Save $20 on NatureBright Light Therapy

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Loading... is offering a $20 off coupon on all NatureBright Light Therapy products until May 31, 2009. To learn more and get your coupon, read this post.

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The Invisible Environment: Seasonal Affective Disorder

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Ohio State University presents this information on the Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  Learn how the human body requires adequate amounts of sunlight for proper mental and emotional health.  This article presents statistics on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and offers solutions for people who suffer from this medical condition.

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Seeing Beyond the Sun by Swami Nirmalananda Giri (part 2)

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This commentary on the Isha Upanishad by Swami Nirmalananda Giri discusses the significant of the sun in spiritual practice. The outer material aspects of the sun and the inner metaphysical aspects of the sun are discussed in detail.  Part 2 discusses the methods by which a person can use the sun’s energy for physical health and spiritual enlightenment.  Meditation, pranayama, and the OM mantra techniques are taught.

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Sunbathing Helps You and Everyone (part 3)

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This information-packed article by Dr. Bernarr shares the remarkable discoveries of over a dozen health care practitioners throughout medical history, including Dr. Herbert Shelton, Dr. C. W. Saleeby, Arnold Rickli, Bernarr McFadden, Hippocrates. Part 3 teaches how to sunbath correctly and the importance of fully exposing the body to sunlight. Restrictive clothing and buildings have been shown to adversely affect health. While sunlight has been used for thousands of years as an effective method of healing.

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Sunshine Can Actually Decrease Your Vitamin D Levels

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Do you know that ultraviolet A (UVA) light actually destroys vitamin D? That most windows block UVB light – which produces vitamin D – but allows UVA light to pass through? Read Dr. Mercola’s tips on how to optimize your Vitamin D levels through some simple practices that help to minimize UVA exposure and maximum UVB exposure, vitamin D production and vitamin D absorbtion.

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Sale on Verilux Full Spectrum Light Bulbs ends on Saturday

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Loading... is offering $25 in Instant Savings when you purchase $79 of Verilux Light Products.

Verilux is one of the most respected brands for full spectrum light bulbs, SAD Therapy lamps, natural light floor, desk, and reading lights, and UV sterilization products. Verliux products receive the highest consumer ratings of any full spectrum light company on

Please use the links below to view the Verilux products and to make your purchase. All purchases made using our links, help support Sunlightenment.

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$30 Instant Savings on Apollo Philips Light Therapy

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Save $30 on all Apollo Light Therapy devices from Philips. Including :

  • Apollo Health GoLite P1 Blue Spectrum Light Therapy Device
  • Philips goLITE BLU Light Therapy Device
  • Apollo Health briteLITE 6
  • Philips Health GoLite M2 Blue Spectrum Light Therapy Device
  • Apollo Health DayBreak Duo Dawn/Dusk Simulator

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How Does Light Affect The Human Functions?

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Learn about the role of sunlight in our lives.  This article looks at how lives of humans have been shaped by sunlight, how the light levels of changing seasons affect human life, how the human body functions and hormone levels respond to sunlight, and how the responses of humans and animals to sunlight compare.

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Seeing Beyond the Sun by Swami Nirmalananda Giri (part 1)

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This commentary on the Isha Upanishad by Swami Nirmalananda Giri discusses the significant of the sun in spiritual practice. The outer material aspects of the sun and the inner metaphysical aspects of the sun are discussed in detail. Part 1 discusses the six characteristics of the “golden orb” of the sun: physcial sunlight and it’s affects on the human body and pineal gland; sunlight prana; consciousness; mind; and atman or spiritual Self; and the evolutionary urge.

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Goodbye Cancer, Hello Sun Exposure? video

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This 5-minute video interview features reknowned natural health advocate Dr. Mercola and sunlight and vitamin D expert Dr. William Grant, a research scientist with NASA and SUNARC: Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center.

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Healing effects of Far Infrared Light

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The greatest amount of the sun’s energy output is in the infrared segment of the spectrum. This band of light has been shown to have many beneficial effects on health, detoxification, and longevity.  This article on Far Infrared Light summaries some of the many benefits of this energy band of sunlight.

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Endocrine Secretions During Sungazing

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This article by Wayne Purdin examines how the pineal and other endocrine glands secrete other hormones during sungazing, which create not just a high, but greater energy, longevity and experiences of samadhi or higher consciousness.

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Breakthrough Information You Need to Know About Vitamin D (part 1)

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In recent years vitamin D has emerged as a star of the “vitamin” world. There’s no question about it — vitamin D is garnering more excitement than any other vitamin out there, and deservedly so. Why all the enthusiasm? Read this article by Dr. Mercola to learn why.

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Can Working Indoors Give You Skin Cancer?

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Contrary to what you may have heard, appropriate sun exposure actually helps prevent the fatal type of skin cancer, melanoma. In fact, melanoma skin cancer, has been found to decrease with greater sun exposure, and can be increased by sunscreens. In fact, indoor workers get three to nine times LESS solar UV exposure than outdoor workers get, yet only indoor workers have increasing rates of melanoma — and the rates have been increasing since before 1940. Read this informative article to dispel the many myths of melanoma skin cancer.

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Breakthrough Information You Need to Know About Vitamin D (part 2)

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In recent years vitamin D has emerged as a star of the “vitamin” world. There’s no question about it — vitamin D is garnering more excitement than any other vitamin out there, and deservedly so. Why all the enthusiasm? Read this article by Dr. Mercola to learn why.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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