Sungazing for body, mind and soul

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This article by Wayne Purdin presents an overview of the practice of sun gazing.  With ancient roots in many world religions, sun gazing has resurfaced in 1992 when Hira Ratan Manek began teaching this powerful health tool.  Learn about sun gazing and Wayne Purdin’s own experience with the power of sun gazing.

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Sun Yoga for Body, Mind and Soul – online course at New Wisdom University

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In this four week course, learn the history of Sun Yoga, the science of sunlight and the human body, and techniques to utilize sunlight energy in the human body.

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Sungazing – The benefits! video

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Watch this 7 minute video from Natural News TV which shares one man’s experience with Sun Gazing. Learn how Magnus Mulliner, of the UK, has been sun gazing since 2005 and has experience many remarkable benefits – including eye sight improvement. Magnus Mulliner’s eyesight has improved from 20/20 to 20/12 feet – the U.K. equivalent of improving from 6/6 to 6/3.8 meters. Mangus has tested his vision regularly since sun gazing and noticed that his eyesight continues to get stronger. The world record for best eyesight is 6/3.5 meters. In a few years, maybe Magnus can break this record!

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India Post interviews HRM

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Amazing Account of a Man from India Shri Hira Ratan Manek – Not Eaten Food for 7 years

In an exclusive interview with India Post Shri Hira Ratan Manek said that he has not eaten food since 1995.

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Sungazing & Beyond video

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Watch Daniel Vitalis share his understanding of how Sun Gazing affects the pineal gland. Learn how throughout history human beings have always gathered around and looked at sources of electromagnetism (light). The earliest man looked at the stars and Sun together. This then changed to people gathering around fires, then home fireplaces, then the radio, then the television and now the computer. Daniel shares that it is natural for humanity to be attracted to looking at light sources.

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Sun Gazette Newsletter – Issue 3

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The International Sun Imbibers’ Society released their second Sun Gazette Newsletter in Winter of 2006.

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Professor claims to survive on just sunshine and fruit juice

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Since New Year’s Day 2001, German Ph.D. chemist Michael Werner hasn’t eating solid food. His secret? Sunlight. Michael Werner has trained his body to live only on the energies around him – sunlight, air, and water. The practice is called Living on Light or Breatharianism. Michael Werner lives an active life – running, playing tennis and socializing – and has undergone two 10-day medical tests to study his body while not eating. His book Life from Light: Is It Possible to Live Without Food? a Scientist Reports on His Experiences details his experiences.

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Trataka – Concentrated Gazing (Yoga Magazine)

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This detailed article on Trataka – the yoga practice of concentrated gazing – was published by Yoga Magazine in May of 1991. Learn how this ancient Hatha yoga practice can help to improve all functions of the eyes, improve mental functions, create peace and improve energy levels.  Yogis and ancient yoga texts – like the Hatha Yoga Pradipika – share that higher spiritual abilities, like clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, psychic healing can develop.  The practice of Sun Trataka – gazing at the rising or setting sun is also referenced by Swami Niranjan in this article.

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Eat the Sun (video)

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Released today, Eat the Sun is a film that follows one man’s journey of sun gazing. This videos features reknowned sun gazer Hira Ratan Manek, and shares insights from other practicing sun gazes in the United States.

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Orbs appear at Hira Ratan Manek’s Sun Gazing talk in Sedona, AZ

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In October 2007, Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) presented a lecture on Sun Gazing in Sedona, Arizona, USA. A series of photographs later revealed that orbs were present at his lecture. Orbs are spheres of light that appear in digital photographs, often during times of heightened spiritual energy – such as spiritual workshops or celebrations. Look at these photos taken of Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) to see these mysterious orbs.

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Hira Ratan Manek video interview

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On August 7, 2007, Hira Ratan Manke (HRM) sat for a video interview in Ashland, Oregon. In this 24 minute long interview HRM explains the practice of sun gazing, provides a brief history of the practice, and shares some of science’s recent finding about this amazing solar food.

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Sun Gazette Newsletter – Issue 10

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The Winter 2010 issue of the Sun Gazette by Wayne Purdin features many informative articles on the healing power of sunlight and sun gazing. This 10th issue includes articles on spiritual growth, sun gazing 101 instruction, serotonin, the Sun’s torsion field, and the influence of solar energy on the earth and humans.

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Sun Gazette Newsletter – Issue 6

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The International Sun Imbibers’ Society released their sixth Sun Gazette Newsletter in Spring 2008.

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Cats doing Sun Yoga

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To open widen our smiles and open our hearts, Sunlightenment presents a photo gallery of cats doing Sun Yoga, sun bathing, and Sun Gazing.  For when you feel like you are the only person you know looking at the sun, let these photos remind you that all of the natural world practices Sun Yoga.

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The SOLution – a 4-CD audio book by Wayne Purdin

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The SOLution is a 4 CD audio book with over 4 and a half hours of sunlight energy research, including the science, the history, the practice, and the people.

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Japanese method of Simplified Surya Namaskara with Reiki

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In Japan, a modified version of the yoga technique Surya Namaskara – the Sun Salutation – has been created for the elderly who face physical limitations and find it difficult to practice the 12 postures of the traditional Surya Namaskar of Sun Salutation. This blog post created by Shreedhar shares the 7 stages of Simplified Surya Namaskara.

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Looking Sun in the eyes

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Suryamahayogi Amaranand Ram Ram constantly gazes at the Sun from morning to evening without blinking his eyelids.  He claims to be the only one to be gifted with this divine power from the Sun-god for he had chanted 40 lakh Ram mantras for over six months in the Himalayan valley. 

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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