Vitamin D levels: Sunlight, age, and toxicity

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This article by “The Health Correlator” examines the effects of sunlight and vitamin D has on age, body toxicity, and disease. Most interestingly, natural sunlight vitamin D does not show signs of toxicity at any level.  However artificial vitamin D in the form of dietary supplements does shows sign of toxicity at high dosages.

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Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human Health 6

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It is very clear that modern science has proven that sunlight exposure is necessary for human health. However how much sunlight exposure may not be.  M. Nathaneil Mead discusses how much sunlight exposure people should get in Part 6 of his article the Beneftis of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human Health.

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The Healing Sun: Ovarian Cancer and The Sun

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The Healing Sun by Richard Hobday presents evidence showing an increase in disease with a decrease in sunlight exposure.  This article shares information on: Ovarian Cancer and The Sun

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The Healing Sun: Colon Cancer and The Sun

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The Healing Sun by Richard Hobday presents evidence showing an increase in disease with a decrease in sunlight exposure.  This article discusses the relationship of: Colon Cancer and The Sun

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Does Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Autism?

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Recently Scientific American magazine has published articles showing the new scientific research on vitamin D deficiency and austism. This artlce by New Autism Cure highlight this research to show how vitamin D deficiency is the most likely cause of this debilitating childhood developmental disease.

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Vitamin D found in fish boosts brain power

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A study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry has shown that men with higher levels of vitamin D performed consistently better in a neuropsychological tests that assess attention and speed of information processing.  Also, scientists observed  slower information processing speed with lower levels of vitamin D levels.

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The Healing Sun: Sunlight and The Heart

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The Healing Sun by Richard Hobday presents evidence showing an increase in disease with a decrease in sunlight exposure.  This article relates: Sunlight and The Heart

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The Healing Sun: Sunlight and Diabetes

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The Healing Sun by Richard Hobday presents evidence showing an increase in disease with a decrease in sunlight exposure.  This article discusses: Sunlight and Diabetes 

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Scientists find why “sunshine” vitamin D is crucial

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Vitamin D is vital in activating human defenses and low levels suffered by around half the world’s population may mean their immune systems’ killer T cells are poor at fighting infection. Scientists are now learning how crucial vitamin D is for actually activating the immune system.

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Is Vitamin D Deficiency Connected to Parkinson’s Disease?

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Approximately 1.5 million Americans suffer from Parkinson’s disease.. Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease caused by a steady depletion of nerve cells causing increasingly slow motor function, tremor when at rest, muscle rigidity, and abnormalities in your walk.  Parkinson’s disease has been linked with decreased levels of dopamine in your brain and now a prime risk factor does appear to be deficiency in vitamin D.

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Breakthrough Information You Need to Know About Vitamin D (part 1)

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In recent years vitamin D has emerged as a star of the “vitamin” world. There’s no question about it — vitamin D is garnering more excitement than any other vitamin out there, and deservedly so. Why all the enthusiasm? Read this article by Dr. Mercola to learn why.

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Swedish doctors urge action over autism-sunlight link

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Doctors in Sweden caution that vitamin D deficiency caused by a lack of sunlight could explain the country’s increased incidence of autism. The lack of sunlight in Sweden, combined with the use of sun protection creams and general precautions taken to avoid direct sun exposure is known to cause vitamin D deficiencies. Vitamin D deficiencies could be a contributing factor to the incidence of depression and some experts believe, autism.

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Vitamin D Physiology – 3 Types of Vitamin D

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There are many forms of Vitamin D – cholecalciferol, calcidiol, and calcitriol. This article by the Vitamin D Council explains the difference between these types of Vitamin D and shows how they affect the physiology of the human body.

This article has been removed from at the request of the Vitamin D Council.

May we all one day learn to share our love, light, and knowledge as freely as the Sun, whom shares itself without restriction to all of life upon this planet.

New study links vitamin D deficiency to cardiovascular disease and death

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A new study by researchers at the Heart Institute at Intermountain Medical Center in Salt Lake City suggests that Vitamin D contributes to a strong and healthy heart as well – and that inadequate levels of the vitamin may significantly increase a person’s risk of stroke, heart disease, and death, even among people who’ve never had heart disease.  This article provides a synopsis of this study that will be presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Conference on Monday, Nov. 16 in Orlando, Florida.

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Can Working Indoors Give You Skin Cancer?

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Contrary to what you may have heard, appropriate sun exposure actually helps prevent the fatal type of skin cancer, melanoma. In fact, melanoma skin cancer, has been found to decrease with greater sun exposure, and can be increased by sunscreens. In fact, indoor workers get three to nine times LESS solar UV exposure than outdoor workers get, yet only indoor workers have increasing rates of melanoma — and the rates have been increasing since before 1940. Read this informative article to dispel the many myths of melanoma skin cancer.

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The Healing Sun: Breast Cancer and The Sun

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The Healing Sun by Richard Hobday presents evidence showing an increase in disease with a decrease in sunlight exposure.  This article addresses the topic: Breast Cancer and The Sun

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Is Autism a Vitamin D Deficiency Disorder?

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New scientific research is showing a powerful correlation between childhood autism and vitamin D deficiency. The evidence is too great to be ignored. In this health article Dr. Marc Sorenson quickly highlight 23 different vitamin D deficiency studies to show how low vitamin D levels are likely to cause autism and other childhood development disorders.

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Breakthrough Information You Need to Know About Vitamin D (part 2)

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In recent years vitamin D has emerged as a star of the “vitamin” world. There’s no question about it — vitamin D is garnering more excitement than any other vitamin out there, and deservedly so. Why all the enthusiasm? Read this article by Dr. Mercola to learn why.

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The Healing Sun: Sunlight and Cancer Prevention

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The Healing Sun by Richard Hobday presents evidence showing an increase in disease with a decrease in sunlight exposure..  This article shares information on: Sunlight and Cancer Prevention

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Despite Anti-Vitamin D Bias, CDC Stumbles on Deficiency Link to H1N1 Deaths

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In this article on the H1N1 Swine Flu and Vitamin D, Dr. Mercola examines the Center for Disease Control’s data and shows that Vitamin D deficiency is linked. Get the facts about sunlight and Vitamin D. Learn how adequate sunlight exposure can improve immunity and prevent the H1N1 Swine Flu.

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Hockey’s Chicago Blackhawks are the first vitamin D sports team

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In John Cannell’s Vitamin D Council newsletter, we learn that the remarkable success of the NHL’s Chicago Blackhawks can be attributed to the entire team’s use of Vitamin D. Currently in Stanley Cup finals, the Blackhawks are at the top of the league after many disappointing seasons. If the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup championship, Vitamin D could become an important factor in every sports team’s success.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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