The Healing Sun: Ovarian Cancer and The Sun

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The Healing Sun by Richard Hobday presents evidence showing an increase in disease with a decrease in sunlight exposure.  This article shares information on: Ovarian Cancer and The Sun

How Sunlight Can Prevent Serious Health Problems

by Richard Hobday, taken from his book, The Healing Sun


Ovarian Cancer and The Sun

The incidence of ovarian cancer is higher in North America and northern Europe than in Africa and Asia; with some of the lowest levels in Japan. A study published in the International journal of Epidemiology in 1994 showed that in the United States there is a strong inverse association between mean daily solar radiation and deaths from ovarian cancer. Women aged between 45 and 54 living in northern states were shown to have five times the ovarian cancer mortality rate of women of this age group living in the south of the country. Of course there is, as yet, no proof that sunlight prevents ovarian cancer or any other forms of internal cancer from developing. But, then again, there is evidence, albeit limited, that some cancer patients actually benefit from exposure to the sun.  




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