The Mind Selects the Gene’s Blueprints – Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

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In this 3 minute video clip, watch as famed cellular biologist and author Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. teaches us about how our minds control our genetic blueprint, our DNA. Bruce Liption, Ph.D. is a pioneer is cellular biology, promoting his understanding of how our consciousness interacts with our cells and cellular DNA. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. has authored many best selling books that encourage us to become masters of our minds and bodies.

The Mind Selects the Gene’s Blueprints – Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

What If? The Movie

What if we were able to use 100% of our brains? What would we be capable of? What are the essential mental components necessary for an individual in fabricating that which makes good things from the invisible visibly active? Accredited doctors, scientists and leading experts discuss how the ‘impossible’ is possible, and provide information attesting to the fact that our potential is truly unlimited.

Bruce H Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized authority in bridging science and spirit. He has been a guest speaker on dozens of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national conferences.

The Mind Selects the Gene’s Blueprints

Fix the Driver. Fix the Mind.

To watch more of Bruce Lipton in the film What If? The Movie, please visit the official What If? The Movie website.

Oprah Winfrey, the world famous television show host says that “My heart is singing” after watching What If? The Movie.

“For those that haven’t seen the discussion in ‘Do you choose life?” What if ? the movie by James A Sinclair has a section that commences with ‘What if ageing and even death is a programme that we can change?’ It’s very good. My heart is singing……..vivaever!”
January 2009 @

Message from James A Sinclair, creator of What If? The Movie

Thank you for your interest in What If? The Movie. This film was created for the purpose of helping all of us awaken to our unlimited Self and to do to our part to help raise the vibration of consciousness to the point that we all remember the power, unconditional love, joy and Divinity that lies within us. Only when we’re inspired will we take action and begin to allow the connection with our unlimited source. Without inspiration there is no action. As What If? The Movie ignites our own knowingness of who we really are we allow more of the connection to our greater Self and as we do this our lives change because we’re letting go of the illusion we believed to be real for so long. We begin to return to our Divine Reality of limitless being and expression which has always been there beyond the veil of our self-created limitations.

Source: What If? The Movie


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2 Comments said:

on May 13th, 2011

Bruce…Thanks….you are right on!
“Once we understand that the world is Perfect, there will be no need to Change It.” Who/what is God? God created the World….God is Perfect…..The World is Perfect=The World is God. Once one understands this, then it becomes possible for humans with finite minds to understand a God who is Infinite. A Fellow Eureekan, 1985.

[Reply] said:

on May 13th, 2011

My comment is intended for Bruce…….cjs


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