The Mysteries of the Sun – Lord Ling

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In his audio book The SOLution, Wayne Purdin presents the history of sun gazing and sun worship, starting in Ancient Egypt and continuing through the 21st century. This article features the Ascended Master Lord Ling, who lived as Moses and Ananda, a disciple of Gautama Buddha.

The Mysteries of the Sun – Lord Ling

“These tablets I did break out of rage toward a people who would enter into the golden-calf civilization and materialism while I would commune upon the mountain with God. Therefore, for the stubbornness of that people, God did then inscribe but Ten Commandments to be kept. And the path of the Mystery School that had been inscribed [on the first set of tablets] was no longer [written] in form.” — Lord Ling

Lord Ling is the ascended master who was embodied as Ananda, a disciple of Gautama Buddha and as Moses.

In the History of Egypt Manetho wrote “Moses, a son of the tribe of Levi, educated in Egypt and initiated at Heliopolis, became a High Priest of the Brotherhood… He was elected by the Hebrews as their chief and he adapted to the ideas of his people the science and philosophy which he had obtained in the Egyptian mysteries… when he established a branch of the Egyptian Brotherhood in his country, from which descended the Essenes. The dogma of an ‘only God,’ which he taught, was the Egyptian Brotherhood interpretation and teaching of the Pharaoh who established the first monotheistic religion known to man. [Akhenaton]. The traditions he established in this manner were known completely to only a few of them, and were preserved in the mysteries of the secret societies, the Therapeutea of Egypt and the Essenes.”

After returning from Heliopolis, Moses became an annoyance to the priests of Amen and the court of Ramses II because of his Atonistic ideas. The historian Josephus records that Moses was sent on a military expedition to Cush (Ethiopia) in an effort by Pharaoh’s courtiers to get rid of the “dissident.” There he not only found a wife but another outpost of Atonism on Elephantine Island. Robert Feather thinks that it was in the wilderness of Cush that Moses saw the burning bush and received his mission. Flavia Anderson, in The Ancient Secret: Fire From the Sun, claimed that the burning bush was actually a small golden tree with a crystal that reflected the sun so brightly that it appeared to be on fire. Anderson thinks that Moses encountered this golden tree during an initiation in the sun temple of Heliopolis. But I think he saw it in the sun temple of Elephantine Island right before he returned to Egypt.

On Mount Sinai, God gave Moses the first set of tablets to present to the Hebrews. The Italian renaissance artist Beccafumi painted a fresco, which showed Moses receiving the tablets from the sun, depicted as an opening in the sky. No one knows exactly what occurred on the top of Mount Sinai. I doubt that God carved the ten commandments with lightning bolts as depicted in Cecil B. DeMill’s Ten Commandments. More likely, Moses chiseled onto the tablets the mysteries of the sun that he learned in the mystery schools at Heliopolis and Elephantine Island. However, when he came down from the mountain and saw the children of Israel engaging in idolatry and immorality, he realized that they weren’t ready to receive the mysteries and would likely misuse the energy from the sun. So he went back up the mountain and chiseled a list of do’s and dont’s. Fortunately, the mysteries were handed down by word of mouth from Moses to the Shilonite priests and to the Essenes.

In a message through the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lord Ling said about the first set of tablets:

“These tablets I did break out of rage toward a people who would enter into the golden-calf civilization and materialism while I would commune upon the mountain with God. Therefore, for the stubbornness of that people, God did then inscribe but Ten Commandments to be kept. And the path of the Mystery School that had been inscribed [on the first set of tablets] was no longer [written] in form.”


Source: , The SOLution audio eBook


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