Indian Man Lives Seven Decades Without Food or Water

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In April & May 2010, Indian scientists studied Prahlad Jani – a yogi who claims to have lived for 70 years without food or water. Watch this video clip by NTDTV which features interviews by doctors who have studied Prahlad Jani – a breatharian yogi and medical mystery.

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Professor claims to survive on just sunshine and fruit juice

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Since New Year’s Day 2001, German Ph.D. chemist Michael Werner hasn’t eating solid food. His secret? Sunlight. Michael Werner has trained his body to live only on the energies around him – sunlight, air, and water. The practice is called Living on Light or Breatharianism. Michael Werner lives an active life – running, playing tennis and socializing – and has undergone two 10-day medical tests to study his body while not eating. His book Life from Light: Is It Possible to Live Without Food? a Scientist Reports on His Experiences details his experiences.

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Jericho Sunfire: The Process: My Fruitarian Initiation

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Jericho Sunfire achieved the breatharian state after a process of body detoxification through dietary changes.  Jericho Sunfire began his process by following fruitarian diet, changing to a liquidarian diet, and then moving into the food-free and water-free breatharian state.  In the first part of Jericho Sunfire’s The Process video series, Jericho teaches how he began practicing the fruitarian diet. He describes the difficulties he faced with detoxification and food addiction, and the amazing benefits he achieved during his fruitarian initiation.

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Between Master and Disciples: Akahi: A Breatharian from Ecuador

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Supreme Master Television, created a weekly series on breatharianism. These television shows feature a different breatharian and method of prana energy nourishment in each video episode. This video of the Between Master and Disciple Breatharian series features Akahi, a man who lives on the energy of Love.

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Joachim Werdin speaks about his transition to Breatharianism

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In this short article, breatharian Joachim Werdin speaks about his transition into the breatharian state.  Joachim Werdin began his journey when he was 16 years old with a regular practice of fasting.  After decades of experience with fasting, Joachim Werdin felt it was the right time to transition into breatharianism.

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The Story of John the Romanian, a Breatharian Monk

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In 1945, a traveler in Romanian met with a monk at Sihastria Monastery. This monk shared with the traveler his life story and spiritual transformation, which includes his own process of purification and dietary change into the breatharian state by living on spiritual manna.

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In the Beginning There Was Light – movie

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On September 17, 2010, P.A. Straubinger, an Austrian film maker, released his new movie In the Beginning There Was Light. This movie teaches us about the human ability to live on light or prana. In recent years, many people around our world have come forward to share with humanity their ability to live without eating food, a practice called inedia, solar nutrition, breatharianism or pranic nourishment. Watch the film’s new trailer here at Sunlightenment.

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Henri Monfort: A Breatharian Shaman – video

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In March and April 2010, Supreme Master TV broadcast a 4-part video interview with Henri Monfort, a breatharian Shaman living in France. In this video interview, learn about Henri Monfort’s spiritual journey to the breatharian state.

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Jericho Sunfire: Understanding Breatharianism

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Breatharian Jericho Sunfire teaches about the state of breatharianism and process of becoming a breatharian in this 1 hour 11 minute video. Learn Jericho Sunfire’s own views of breatharian, breatharian teachings and methods, and the difficulties that people often face on the path to becoming a breatharian. Listen to what Jericho Sunfire has learned in his path from fruitarian to liquidarian to breatharian in this video.

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Camila and Akahi: Expectant Breatharian Parents (video)

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Camilia Castillos and Akahi are two well-known breatharians living in South America. For over 2 years, Camila and Akahi have lived without eating physical food. Now they are expecting to have a child together as they continue to live as breatharians. Camilia Castillos and Akahi may be the first public breatharian parents in human history!

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Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person (video)

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In his newest video, Elitom ben Yisrael – a breatharian living in the United States – talks about how people who live working lives can still experience the breatharian state of not eating.

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UPDATE: Holy Man’s Two Weeks Without Food, Water

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Fox News reports on Prahald Jani, a yogi who has recently demonstrated that he can live without food and water. For 15 days in 2010, Prahlad Jani was studied by a team of doctors in Ahmedabad, India. While being closely watched and studied, Prahlad Jani went without food and water, and did not got to the bathroom. Prahlad Jani claims that he has not eaten for 70 years.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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