January 5th, 2025 by SunYogi

It is remarkable news when spirituality enters politics and the news media covers it. In this CNN report, Japan’s First Lady Miyuki Hatoyama is shown in a video interview where she states that her and her husand, Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, “eat the sun”. Miyuki Hatoyama goes on to say that she travels out of body and has visited the planet Venus.
In 2010, TIME magazine’s “Time 100” elected Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama as No. 6 among the 100 most influential people in the world. Can the future of humanity be a sun gazing culture once again?
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December 24th, 2024 by SunYogi

In his book Warriors of the Sound Current, Steve DeWitt descirbes his out of body Soul travel journey into the Sun. Steve DeWitt describes Soul travel as:
“Soul projection, in contrast to astral travel, is the ability to expand one’s consciousness beyond the limitations of the physical body, as well as the astral, causal and mental bodies by using the Sound Current. (The Sound Current is another name for Divine Spirit, which is visible as light and audible as sound.) [To experience Soul travel] I needed to realize that I am Soul, an individual unit of consciousness that is one with the essence of God. I had to comprehend that as Soul I am neither male nor female; that I am eternal; that I cannot be harmed; and that I exist above the boundaries of space, time, and duality.”
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