Eyesight Tips 101: Sunlight: The Food Of Your Eyes

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The sun improves the eyes and pupils in many wonderful ways. For instance, it loosens tight muscles. The nerves and muscles just naturally let go of stress and tension, a leading cause of poor eyesight. The eyes thrive on the sun’s energy

Sunlight: The Food Of Your Eyes

Friday, February 2, 2007

Eyesight Tips 101: Natural Ways to improve eyesight, Eye Massage, Food that improve eyesight


Sunshine is Food for the Eyes. The eyes thrive on the sun’s energy. Go outdoors in the sunlight everyday that you can. Outdoor people generally have better vision than people who spend most of their time inside.

The best time to enjoy the sunshine on your eyes is in the morning before 11:00 am or after 3:00 pm.

The sun improves the eyes and pupils in many wonderful ways. For instance, it loosens tight muscles. The nerves and muscles just naturally let go of stress and tension, a leading cause of poor eyesight.

In the exercises section, you’ll find several ‘sunning’ exercises – they are amongst my favorites – but here’s one you can do whenever you get the chance, not just in your 15 minute routine. Sit down, relax your mind and body; loosen your neck and shoulders. Close your eyes and swing your head slowly from side to side, with the sun shining directly on your face. If your eyes start to “tear” or “water”, just let it happen, the tears are very healing.

Source: http://www.eyesight-tips-101.blogspot.com/


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One Comment

lovely2510 said:

on May 8th, 2011

Yes,sun really is very helpful for our eyesights.


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