Sungazing and solar alchemy course offered by Meru University
Meru University will be offering the Solar Health; Solar Wealth, a weekly online webinar course about that teaches the spiritual science behind sungazing, sunbathing, color and light therapy, and solar alchemy. You will be taught advanced techniques of sungazing, meditation, opening the third eye, color therapy, precipitating ORMUS or solar gold into your blood along with divine qualities, and solar alchemy for the manifestation of desires.
Sungazing and solar alchemy course offered by Meru University
by Wayne Purdin of The Hearts Center
From September 26 through October 31, 2010, Meru University will be offering the Solar Health; Solar Wealth course. It will meet once a week on Sundays from 9:45 to 11:15 am MDT.
This course is an in-depth examination of the spiritual science behind sungazing, sunbathing, color and light therapy, and solar alchemy. It is practical spirituality that provides you with techniques for self-healing and self-enrichment. It will reveal advanced techniques of sungazing, meditation, opening the third eye, color therapy, precipitating ORMUS or solar gold into your blood along with divine qualities, and solar alchemy for the manifestation of desires.
Registration for this course will begin September 15, but you can view the syllabus now at The Hearts Center website.
This course is an Elluminate Live webinar in which you can see me and other students and yourself if you have a webcam or Apple computer. You will be able to interact with the instructor and others through voice or a chat box and view slides that illustrate the concepts the instructor will be talking about. You will have access to free ebooks on sungazing and the sunrise meditation and several handouts on the techniques.
The two textbooks for the course are Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov’s “Light Is a Living Spirit,” which I consider to be one of the best books published by Prosveta, and “Light: Medicine of the Future: How We Can Use It to Heal Ourselves NOW” by Dr. Jacob Liberman an ophthamologist who is a visionary as well as a scientist.
Vision is the theme of the first class, in which both outer and inner vision are examined. Helios was the god of sight, which, as you will see, is very appropriate. During this class, you will learn safe sungazing. In the second class, students will look in more detail at the effects of sunlight on their inner vision through the third eye or pineal gland, and how sungazing, color, and darkness can develop the third eye and it’s powers. In the third class, students will learn safe sunbathing and listen to special guest speaker, Dr. Michael Holick, who is the world’s foremost authority on the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D3. In the fourth class, student will explore the fascinating world of color therapy and learn how to use it to treat specific conditions. In class five, students will examine the nature of light and it’s connection to gold and true wealth. And they will examine various concepts of prosperity such as the law of the tithe, our treasure in heaven, karmic debt, and divine direction. Finally, in class six, students will combine all that they have learned in the first five classes to perform solar alchemy and work with light to achieve specific goals.
For more information on sungazing and surya yoga, visit and
Tags: Alchemy, color therapy, course, gold, ormus, pineal gland, Sun Gazing, sunbathing, third eye, vitamin D3, Wayne Purdin
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Laura said:
on September 13th, 2010I am so interested in sungazing, but am having difficulty getting started because I cant seem to find where the sun is by my house and live in Ne where it is cloudy alot! Can you just look where you think the sun is behind the cloud? I KNOW sungazing is the best healing and help but HRM’s dvd isn’t clear and the manual doesn’t really help with my issues either!
SunYogi Reply:
September 13th, 2010 at 8:52 am
Gazing at the sun behind clouds will not give you the full energy of the sun. If following the HRM protocol, do not increase your time for cloudy days. But you can still gaze on cloudy days. Blessings.