Sun Gazer Wayne Purdin has created a new blog

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Hello worldwide sun gazing community.  Sun gazer and author Wayne Purdin has created a new blog website where he’ll share his knowledge of sun gazing, health, spirituality, history, and life.  You may visit Wayne’s new website at

Wayne Purdin is the author of the audiobook The SOLution and numerous articles on the history of Sun Gazing.    Wayne has been a long time contributor to and continues to write and teach.

HRM Sun Gazing videos in English and Spanish

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On Saturday, April 18, 2009 in Sant Vicens de Montalt, Catalonia, Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) gave his lecture on Sun Gazing. HRM teaches that a person can directly absorb sunlight energy in their body to feed, nourish, and detoxify it. This 12-part video last over 1 hour and provides detailed instruction in the practice of Sun Gazing. Spoken English with Spanish translation is provided during this video.

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Sun Meditation by Uma Sankar

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Uma Sankar is a well-known sun yogi in India. Uma Sankar practices sun gazing as a traditional yogi, using discipline and concentration achieve full enlightenment – union with the Supreme Soul. This article shares the method taught by Uma Sanakar.

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Sunyogi Umashankar announces his 2012 Europe Tour schedule

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After a very successful first-ever event in Europe last September, Sunyogi Umashankar will return to multiple European countries to teach the ancient science of sun yoga – a synthesis of sun gazing, deep meditation, acupressure, and more. See the schedule of events here.

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The Mysteries of the Sun – Zarathustra

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In his audio book The SOLution, Wayne Purdin presents the history of sun gazing and sun worship, starting in Ancient Egypt and continuing through the 21st century. This article features the spiritual teacher Zarathustra or Zoroaster, founder of the religion Zoroastrianism

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Life Style Without Food ebook

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Breatharian researcher and author Joachim M Werdin presents a detailed look at the process of becoming a breatharian – a person who lives on cosmic light/prana/chi/ether.  

The motto of this book: I am the Consciousness and everything else is my creation.

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Sungazing and solar alchemy course offered by Meru University

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Meru University will be offering the Solar Health; Solar Wealth, a weekly online webinar course about that teaches the spiritual science behind sungazing, sunbathing, color and light therapy, and solar alchemy. You will be taught advanced techniques of sungazing, meditation, opening the third eye, color therapy, precipitating ORMUS or solar gold into your blood along with divine qualities, and solar alchemy for the manifestation of desires.

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Sun Yoga Workshop with Umasankar in Germany – Sept 23-25, 2011

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This September 2011, world famous Sunyogi Umasankar will be presenting his first ever workshop in Germany.  Learn the ancient 13 step Sun Yoga process as taught by Sunyogi Umashankar.  Learn how you can gather more sun energy into your body better health, spiritual purification, and immortality.

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CHANNEL 4 Sunyogi Umashankar Interview (video)

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Sunyogi Umashankar is one of India’s most well known sun gazers and yogis. In 1995, Umashankar began his sun gazing practice after noticing how the rising sun gave him energy during his morning meditations. In just over 1 year, Sunyogi Umashankar successfully stopped eating physical food and lived on sunlight energy alone. In this 2010 video interview, Sunyogi Umashankar speaks about his experience with sun gazing, breatharianism, and yoga.

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Eat the Sun movie to be shown on Documentary Channel

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Peter Scorcher’s award winning documentary on Sun Gazing called Eat the Sun is being aired on The Documentary Channel on June 21, 2011 at 8 pm PST. Eat the Sun is also being shown at the San Francisco United Film Festival and numerous other venues around the country.

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Eye Strength Through Sunlight by Bernarr MacFadden

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Bernarr MacFadden is one of the pioneers of healthy living in America. In 1925 Bernarr MacFadden published the book Strengthening the EYES: A System of Scientific Eye Training, which presented a detail study of the eye and techniques to restore strength to weakening vision and eye health. In chapter 19, Bernarr MacFadden teaches a technique to strengthen the eyes with sunlight. Although the fear of the sun was, and still is strong in humanity, many people have achieved amazing results with these eye exercises.

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Extreme Homes: The Rotating House for Sun Gazing

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Famed architect Richard T. Foster designed this rotating house to catch the sunlight in every room. This circular home features an exterior wall of glass windows – perfect for sun gazing in any room. Watch this online video to see how this entire home rotates to follow the path of the sun as it rises and sets. This house is truly one-of-a-kind.

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HRM Sun Gazing Process

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Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) continues to travels the world sharing the yogic technique of sun gazing.  Traveling since 2002, Hira Ratan Manek has given hundreds of free lectures in hundreds of countries.

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Suryayog can cure chronic diseases

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In this The Times of India article, Surya Swami said that constant practice of “Suryayog” cures several chronic diseases like heart problems, depression, blood pressure and phobias which are a result of materialistic society. The general secretary of International Naturopathy Organisation has said that thousands of people have so far been cured by worshipping the Sun.

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Sun Yoga- Workshop with Sun Yogi Umasankar in Europe, September 2011

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Sun gazer Stefan Strecker has just announced a Sun Yoga workshop with the world famous Sun Yogi Umasankar. The workshop is scheduled for September 2011 in Europe. Please visit his Sun Gazing Germany website to learn more and vote to select the exact location of this Sun Gazing workshop.

Basic Principles for Sunyoga by Uma Sankar

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The sun yogi Uma Sankar teaches 3 necessary principles – steps that must be taken by anyone before they begin the spiritual path of Sun Yoga: Yama, Nyama, and Asana. Learn how these principles work together to create the foundation of a successful Sun Yoga practice.

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Sun Gazette Newsletter – Issue 7

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The most recent Sun Gazette by The International Sun Imbibers’ Society was released in the Summer of 2008.

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Surya Swami: Believe in unconditional love

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Swami Surya presented at The Institute of Healing and Alternative Therapy.  Surya Swami said that negative thoughts can be removed through music therapy and unconditional love.

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Hira Ratan Manek video interview with Paula Gloria

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In November 2007, Sun Gazer Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) was interviewed by Paula Gloria on her talk show Further Down the Rabbit Hole.  This 44-minute long interview is titled “Nourished by Sun, Not Food”.

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Seeing Beyond the Sun by Swami Nirmalananda Giri (part 2)

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This commentary on the Isha Upanishad by Swami Nirmalananda Giri discusses the significant of the sun in spiritual practice. The outer material aspects of the sun and the inner metaphysical aspects of the sun are discussed in detail.  Part 2 discusses the methods by which a person can use the sun’s energy for physical health and spiritual enlightenment.  Meditation, pranayama, and the OM mantra techniques are taught.

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The Significance of the Sun by Master Peter Deunov

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Peter Deunov, the master teacher of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, teaches in this article the spiritual significance of the sun and how the human body can absorb and use the sun’s spiritual energy for enlightenment.

“All the world renders homage to me and I render homage to the Master Peter Deunov from Bulgaria.” -Albert Einstein

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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