Jasmuheen at the Raw Spirit Festival, Sedona 2007 video

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In 2007, pranic nourishment researcher Jasmuheen presented at Sedona’s Raw Spirit Festival. This 10 minute video shows Jasmuheen speaking on using pranic energy (prana, chi, qi) to feed the physical body, emotional body, and mental body. The sun is one of the most powerful and easily available sources of prana. In this video Jasmuheen shares with us other ways to be nourished by prana energy.

Jasmuheen at the Raw Spirit Festival – Sedona – 2007

Jasmuheen talks a little on the new children being born plus brain wave patterns for pranic living and more…

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq3Op1ejSP8


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This entry was posted on Saturday, May 11th, 2024 at 6:38 pm and is filed under Videos.

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tazouz said:

on September 11th, 2009

I have been sungazing for 6 months now and eating less every day. I have also been a long time meditator so can appreciate seeing these videos. Jasmuheen is very lovely and inspirational. Thank you.
Chandika Tazouz


Ben said:

on September 16th, 2009

I hadn’t heard of the term “prana” before. That’s very interesting, especially how the sun is one of the easiest sources. Thanks for sharing!


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