Sunlight Saunas for cellular detoxification

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Research into the healing effects of far infrared energy have proven that this band of frequency helps to body detoxify harmful chemicals and toxins. Sunlight Saunas brand of far infrared saunas has proven to be the most effective sauna on the market today. Because Sunlight Saunas operate at temperatures 60 to 80 degrees lower than conventional saunas and use specialized far infrared waves, the detoxification is from 7 to 10 times greater.

Sunlight Saunas for cellular detoxification

Every day, people are exposed to thousands of toxic chemicals in air, water, food, household and laundry products, personal care products, plastics, synthetic fragrances, food preservatives, additives, flavor enhancers, and medications. Whether you ingest, inhale, or absorb these toxins, these unnatural substances are either metabolized or stored within the body.

Researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed samples of blood and urine from 2,500 men, women, and children and identified dozens of man-made chemicals that were being stored with their bodies. Four top Canadian politicians had their blood tested and found their blood contained a chilling mix of substances, including 54 carcinogens, 37 hormone disruptors, 16 respiratory toxins, 54 reproductive or developmental toxins and 33 neurotoxins.

The skin is the body’s largest organ for detoxification. Sunlight Saunas help the body by excreting toxins that are linked to a variety of medical disorders.

Because Sunlight Saunas operate at temperatures 60 to 80 degrees lower than conventional saunas and use specialized far infrared waves, the detoxification is from 7 to 10 times greater.

  • Detox heavy metals including mercury, lead, cadmium, and aluminum.
  • Detox arsenic, formaldehyde, pesticides, agent orange, industrial chemicals, and gasoline.
  • Detox alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs.
  • Purify the body on a cellular level.

Sunlight Saunas™ was founded by Jason Lincoln Jeffers after an exhaustive search for a cure for chronic fatigue syndrome and mercury toxicity (MT). After 11 years of suffering, Mr. Jeffers purchased a far infrared sauna and began a detoxification program: 30 minutes a day for over two years straight. Today, he is healthy, full of energy and mercury-free. The philosophy of our company is a clear reflection of our founder’s dedication to educating the public on the numerous health benefits of far infrared therapy.

Far Infrared Therapy also been shown to:

  • Significantly lowered blood pressure
  • Significant weight loss
  • Significantly lowered blood sugar
  • Significantly increased blood flow
  • Lowered cholesterol
  • Lowered triglycerides
  • Relieved suffering from arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and certain skin conditions

To learn more about Sunlight Saunas, please email the SunYogi, creator of or call Sunlight Saunas / Sunlighten Medical Sales Representative Joey Thomas at 1-877.292.0020 extension 138. Please tell her that Lincoln Gergar referred you. You will receive great customer support and receive additional savings on your purchase.

Or visit Sunligthen Saunas website

Sunlight Saunas / Sunlighten has offices in Europe, Australia and numerous other countries around the world. Have a Sunlight Sauna / Sunlighten product shipped to you in nearly any country.

The SunYogi has been using Sunlight Saunas for personal and clinical detoxification since 2006.

“I have never felt cleaner than after I am in my Sunlight Sauna.” – SunYogi

Source: Second National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NCEH Pub. No. 02-0716 (2003) , Sunligthen Saunas website


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