Can Working Indoors Give You Skin Cancer?

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Contrary to what you may have heard, appropriate sun exposure actually helps prevent the fatal type of skin cancer, melanoma. In fact, melanoma skin cancer, has been found to decrease with greater sun exposure, and can be increased by sunscreens. In fact, indoor workers get three to nine times LESS solar UV exposure than outdoor workers get, yet only indoor workers have increasing rates of melanoma — and the rates have been increasing since before 1940. Read this informative article to dispel the many myths of melanoma skin cancer.

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This Vitamin Can Radically Reduce Damage from Radioactivity from Fukushima

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New Vitamin D research shows that Vitamin D3 (calcitriol) may offer protection against cellular damage caused by radiation. The article by Dr. Mercola looks at the latest Vitamin D research and present alternative health practice to protect your body from radiation and radioactive toxins, such as chlorella, spirulina, sweet whey, and potassium iodide.

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Sunblock Can Actually Increase Your Cancer Risk

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Research by Dr. Joseph Mercola shows that unnatural dietary habits are more likely the cause of skin cancer than sunlight exposure.  Futhermore, no conclusive evidence exists showing the sunblock has any effect on reducing changes of skin cancer.

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Sunlight Exposure Beneficial In Multiple Sclerosis

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In a recently published exploratory study, mortality from multiple sclerosis (MS) was found to be reduced by exposure to sunlight. Depending on the degree of sunlight exposure, the risk of death from MS was reduced by up to 76%. Read the rest of this entry »

Breakthrough Information You Need to Know About Vitamin D (part 2)

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In recent years vitamin D has emerged as a star of the “vitamin” world. There’s no question about it — vitamin D is garnering more excitement than any other vitamin out there, and deservedly so. Why all the enthusiasm? Read this article by Dr. Mercola to learn why.

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Your Body Literally Glows With Light

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This article from Dr. Mercola shares new research from a team of scientists in Japan who have successfully photographed the subtle light (photons) that is emitted from the human body.  Research shows that the body part’s that receive the most sunlight has the greatest light emissions.  Modern science is confirming what ancient spiritual traditions have known for thousands of years.

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Despite Anti-Vitamin D Bias, CDC Stumbles on Deficiency Link to H1N1 Deaths

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In this article on the H1N1 Swine Flu and Vitamin D, Dr. Mercola examines the Center for Disease Control’s data and shows that Vitamin D deficiency is linked. Get the facts about sunlight and Vitamin D. Learn how adequate sunlight exposure can improve immunity and prevent the H1N1 Swine Flu.

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Lack of Sunshine Vitamin Linked to Cognitive Decline

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Research have linked vitamin D deficiency with cognitive impairment. A recent study shows that as levels of vitamin D goes down, cognitive impairment goes up.

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Water, Cells and Life: Cells Act as Light-Driven Batteries

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Like plants, the human body not only needs water; it also needs sunlight. The near-infrared rays in sunlight actually penetrate your skin and structure the water in your cells. In this way, sun exposure plays an important role in your body’s energy production. As noted by Dr Pollack, cells actually act as “light-driven batteries.”

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NEW Research Explains 61% of Multiple Sclerosis Cases

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New research shows that low levels of sunlight could increase your risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS). Researchers found that by just analyzing sunlight, they could explain 61 percent of the variation in the number of MS cases across England. When they combined the effect of sunlight and glandular fever, 72 percent of the variation in MS cases could be explained. The study suggested that low levels of sunlight could affect how your body responds to infection. Vitamin D deficiency could be another possible link.

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Sunshine is Nature’s Disease Fighter

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Medical researchers are growing increasingly excited about a wonder drug that may significantly reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many other diseases — sunshine.

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Lack of Sunshine Causes One Million Deaths a Year

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Research by the University of California shows that increasing sunlight and vitamin D intake will greatly reduce the risks of cancer and other debilitating diseases.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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