Elitom ben Yisrael: Breatharianism for a Working Person (video)

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In his newest video, Elitom ben Yisrael – a breatharian living in the United States – talks about how people who live working lives can still experience the breatharian state of not eating.

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Breatharian Meditations – An Audioclass 2 CD Set

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A breatharian since 2001, Elitom Ben Yisrael has released a 2 CD audioclass called Breatharian Meditations. In this audioclass, Elitom Ben Yisrael teaches about the breatharian state and leads guided meditations to help you discover the spiritual energies inside you and surrounding you. Better understand the process of living without eating physical food with the help of Elitom Ben Yisrael, a breatharian shaman and holistic healer.

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Serving Spirit: Breatharians in our Midst

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Norma Gentile is a professional singer and musician, recording artist, meditation teacher, energy healer and channeler. In 2003, Norma Gentile worked with Elitom Ben Yisrael to record the 2 CD audioclass Breatharian Meditations. In this article, Norma shares her experience while working with Elitom Ben Yisrael – a breatharian shaman. This article provides important information about the process of becoming a breatharian – teaching that breatharianism is much more than simply not eating food.

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Elitom Ben Yisrael: Challenges in Transitioning to Breatharianism (video)

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In his second video on Supreme Master TV, breatharian Elitom Ben Yisrael discusses the process of transitioning to become a breatharian. Elitom shares a very detailed look at the actual breatharian process, what to expect when transitioning, and how to overcome the challenges to become a successful breatharian.

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Elitom Ben Yisrael: Living a Holistic, Breatharian Lifestyle

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For over 10 years, Elitom Ben Yisrael has lived as a breatharian in the United States.  In this 3-part video by Supreme Master TV, Elitom Ben Yisrael shares his knowledge of breatharianism, holistic medicine, energy practices, physical exercises and diet. Learn how the social conditioning of our mind overrides our body’s natural ability to live without physical food and what is necessary to restore the mind and body back to the original design.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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