The Crystalline Heart of the Sun

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The Pillar of Celestial Fire: And the Lost Science of the Ancient Seers by Robert Cox shares information about the The Crystalline Heart of the Sun – “a small egg-shaped cocoon of luminous subtle matter that lies at the center of the Sun. This ball of celestial fire is so filled with spiritual power that is resembles a shining crystal or radiant diamond.” The Crystalline Heart of the Sun is similiar to the Divine Ka – a “thumb-sized egg of celestial fire at the heart of every celestial being in the Universe.”

The Pillar of Celestial Fire: And the Lost Science of the Ancient Seers

by Robert Cox

According to the cycles of time, we are now on the verge of a global transformation that is completely unprecedented, involving unparalleled developments in every field of human endeavor. The Pillar of Celestial Fire explains the celestial mechanics of this coming transformation in simple, intuitive terms, and heralds the development of miraculous new technologies and coming changes that are destined to take place on our planet.

The Crystalline Heart of the Sun

The solar being is a very ancient soul who has been continuously engaged in profound meditation for over a billion years. The intense heat and light of the Sun has been generated through this meditation.

The focus of this meditation is a small egg-shaped cocoon of luminous subtle matter that lies at the center of the solar orb. This ball of celestial fire is so filled with spiritual power that is resembles a shining crystal or radiant diamond. It may be understood as the crystalline heart of the Sun.

The crystalline heart of the Sun is composed of the most concentrated form of subtle matter-energy possible in our solar system. As a result, it reflects an extraordinarily high level of universal pure consciousness. Although the consciousness of the Sun is much higher than that of a human being, there are certain divine correspondences between solar and human consciousness that link us together.

The Divine Ka in the Human Heart

The simplest of these correspondences concerns the size and shape of the luminous egg of celestial fire that lies at the heart of the Sun. The luminous egg that lies at the heart of the Sun is more or less identical in size and shape to the luminous egg that is nested in the human heart. Surprising as it may seem, they are both about the size and shape of the pad at the end of an adult thumb.

This thumb-sized egg of celestial fire is known as the Divine Ka. There is a Divine Ka at the heart of every celestial being in the Universe. All the planets, stars, and galaxies have their own Divine Kas. There is even a Divine Ka for the Universe as a whole. It is seated at the very heart of the central Sun. The Universal Divine Ka is the supreme seat of the Universal Soul. It is the divine archetype towards which all other aspire. This includes all human souls as well.

Every human heart contains a Divine Ka that serves as the seat of the human soul. In the heart of the unenlightened, the Divine Ka is to small or to weak to reflect the light of pure consciousness and resonate with the music of the spheres. In order to do so, the divine Ka must be nourished with celestial fire. When it has been properly nourished, the Divine Ka grows and develops into a blazing thumb-seized cocoon of celestial fire residing within the heart. When the Divine Ka thus becomes awakened, the human soul becomes enlightened, and begins to sing the song of divine love.

Source: The Pillar of Celestial Fire: And the Lost Science of the Ancient Seers


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