The Sungazer – New Book by Irene LeCram
Spiritual fiction author Irene LeCram has released here 2nd book on the secret teachings of Christianity, called The Sungazer. Irene presents the esoteric teachings of heliotherapy, sungazing, and Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov in a young adults book, making deep spiritual teachings accessible and entertaining.
The Sungazer
by Irene LeCram
Book Description
Starting his second year at Saint John’s High, Stan can feel things are going to get interesting again. One day, a guest at the school tells him about an ancient, esoteric science. As he and his friends look deeper into it, what they discover blows their minds, as they realize they may have stumbled upon one of the best kept secrets of Christianity…
By: Irene LeCram
Rating: Not yet rated.
Published: Sep. 19, 2012
Words: 68491 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301671007
Order The Sungazer here: