February 8th, 2025 by SunYogi
There is a rare phenomenon where the rising and setting Sun produces a green flash of light just above it’s surface. On occasion, photographers and scientists have witnessed this phenomenon. This short article includes a magnificent photograph of the green flash of the setting sun.
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February 7th, 2025 by SunYogi
All of us need to get some sunlight in order to remain healthy. Some scientists are now considering sunlight a “super nutrient”. Let’s look at the ways that sunlight helps our bodies.
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February 1st, 2025 by SunYogi
This is a short and beautiful video by Joe Noonan of A Joyful Nature sharing appreciation for the Sun. Often in our busy lives we forget how important the Sun is. This video helps us to remember.
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January 30th, 2025 by SunYogi
We’ve heard countless times that sunlight causes skin cancer. We’ve also seen that there is little or even no scientific evidence to support the claim that sunlight causes skin cancer. It appears to be a rather clever marketing pitch for sunscreen. In this article by the University of California, San Francisco, we learn that sunlight actually helps to prevent skin cancer. The scientific evidence is in: “the sun may not be entirely the enemy some people think it is…vitamin D that sunlight helps the body create may help prevent a number of cancers, including skin cancer.”
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January 30th, 2025 by SunYogi
Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German-born biochemist and physicist was often referred to as the top cancer research scientist in Europe. Nominated 6 times for the Nobel Prize and living to the age of 95, Dr. Budwig was a leading authority on fats, oils and nutrition.
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January 30th, 2025 by SunYogi
World famous teacher of sun gazing and spiritual enlightenment, Sunyogi Umasankar, has just released his first book on the practice of sun yogi. Get your book now and learn a most powerful spiritual method for awakening.
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January 30th, 2025 by SunYogi
In his second interview by Supreme Master TV, breatharian Jericho Sunfire speaks about his transition from a diet of solid food to fruitarian to liquidarian to breatharian. This video interview will share you with the psychological and physical changes that Jericho Sunfire experienced as he works towards becoming a breatharian.
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January 29th, 2025 by SunYogi
Around the world, the farther one gets from the equator, the more likely you are to find people with high blood pressure. Lack of exposure to ultraviolet light may actually contribute to the rise in blood pressure in higher latitudes, according to a new theory from an Alabama researcher.
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January 29th, 2025 by SunYogi
In 2009, the Journal Clinical Endocrinology studied the effects that sunlight has on testosterone, the main male sex hormone responsible for libido (and sperm production). Research results show that increased exposure to sunlight and higher amounts of vitamin D increase the production of testosterone in men’s body. This is great news for couples trying to conceive a child and for men who wish to have more physical energy and look younger.
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January 29th, 2025 by SunYogi
In this article Dr. Soram Khalsa states “As a board certified internist, I have chosen, for the last 30 years, to take a personalized approach in my practice of integrative medicine. I have worked with literally hundreds of herbs, vitamins and dietary supplements, to help my patients, often when drugs did not work. In all this time, I have not seen one nutritional supplement that has the power to affect human health as much as vitamin D. This is because Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin – it is a hormone that has the ability to interact and affect more than 2,000 genes in the body.”
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January 29th, 2025 by SunYogi
Norma Gentile is a professional singer and musician, recording artist, meditation teacher, energy healer and channeler. In 2003, Norma Gentile worked with Elitom Ben Yisrael to record the 2 CD audioclass Breatharian Meditations. In this article, Norma shares her experience while working with Elitom Ben Yisrael – a breatharian shaman. This article provides important information about the process of becoming a breatharian – teaching that breatharianism is much more than simply not eating food.
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January 29th, 2025 by SunYogi
Get a general overview of Vitamin D and Vitamin D Deficiency science and research in this 44 minute video by UCSD School of Medicine and GrassrootsHealth. Vitamin D expert Dr. Robert Heaney, M.D. presents valuable information about why adequate Vitamin D intake is necessary for optimal health, and show the health problems that result from too little Vitamin D and sunlight exposure.
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January 29th, 2025 by SunYogi
PurLife Health & Research published an article sharing scientific research studies that show the ability of sunlight to regulate hormone growth to reduce mental illness and prevent disease, eliminate leukemia by improving gland health, and reverse tumor growth with proper full spectrum sunlight exposure.
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January 29th, 2025 by SunYogi
Qigong master Richard B. Serrano shares the health benefits of sunlight and Sun Yoga practice in this article from Your Spiritual Revolution eMagazine.
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January 29th, 2025 by SunYogi
People have observed a rare phenomenon that occurs during sunrise and sunset. Brillant green flashes of light appear shortly above the horizon as the sun is setting or rising. Some scientists have studied this phenomenon, confirming that this is a genuine natural occurance and not a photographic mishap. This article explains the Green Flash phenomenon.
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January 29th, 2025 by SunYogi
Prahlad Jani, a holy man, who is over 70 years old, spent 10 days under constant observation in a hospital in India. During that time, he did not consume food or water and did not pass urine or stool. Doctors claim that Prahlad Jani is in good mental and physical health.
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January 28th, 2025 by SunYogi
In his audio book The SOLution, Wayne Purdin presents the history of sun gazing and sun worship, starting in Ancient Egypt and continuing through the 21st century. This article features the Ascended Master Lord Ling, who lived as Moses and Ananda, a disciple of Gautama Buddha.
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January 28th, 2025 by SunYogi
Leading Sunlight researcher Dr. Michael Holick shares a list of important facts about sunshine and skin cancer in his book The UV Advantage.
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January 28th, 2025 by SunYogi
A breatharian since 2001, Elitom Ben Yisrael has released a 2 CD audioclass called Breatharian Meditations. In this audioclass, Elitom Ben Yisrael teaches about the breatharian state and leads guided meditations to help you discover the spiritual energies inside you and surrounding you. Better understand the process of living without eating physical food with the help of Elitom Ben Yisrael, a breatharian shaman and holistic healer.
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January 28th, 2025 by SunYogi
The online publication Nourished Magazine. wisdom to thrive by posted this article that summaries the practice of sun gazing as is currently taught by Hira Ratan Manek, the famous sun gazer of India, and the history of sun gazing in ancient Europe, Greece, Egypt, India and the Americas. Learn how the sun affects the human body and brain and why cultures around the world have always honored the sun as a great source of biological and spiritual energy.
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January 28th, 2025 by SunYogi
In recent years, Prahlad Jani of India has shocked the scientific community. Prahlad Jani has the unique ability to live without the need for food nor water. He claims to have lived for over 60 years without any form of physical nourishment. Prahlad Jani claims that he gets his energy from his brain – an ancient yoga technique called amrita.
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