TIME Magazine: Heliotherapy Medicine

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In 1923 TIME Magazine published a short article on the “new” old therapy of healing with natural sunlight. Heliotherapy has been widely practices for over 2,000 years. However in 1923, TIME Magazine thought of the sun cure as a new addition to modern medicine.

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Let there be light: It’s good for our brains

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Swiss scientists have proven that light intensity influences our cognitive performance and how alert we feel, and that these positive effects last until early evening.

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The Miracle of Vitamin – Vitamin D From Sunlight

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Krispin Sullivan, CN is a researcher, clinical nutritionist and author of Naked at Noon: The Importance of Sunlight and Vitamin D. In this extensive article, Krispin looks at the health benefits of vitamin D and how it is used in the body.

Part 2 of The Miracle of Vitamin D presents how vitamin D from the sunlight is processed in the body.

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The Mysteries of the Sun – Zarathustra

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In his audio book The SOLution, Wayne Purdin presents the history of sun gazing and sun worship, starting in Ancient Egypt and continuing through the 21st century. This article features the spiritual teacher Zarathustra or Zoroaster, founder of the religion Zoroastrianism

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Life Style Without Food ebook

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Breatharian researcher and author Joachim M Werdin presents a detailed look at the process of becoming a breatharian – a person who lives on cosmic light/prana/chi/ether.  

The motto of this book: I am the Consciousness and everything else is my creation.

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HRM Sun Gazing Process

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Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) continues to travels the world sharing the yogic technique of sun gazing.  Traveling since 2002, Hira Ratan Manek has given hundreds of free lectures in hundreds of countries.

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Read This Shocking Vitamin D Report or You’ll Kick Yourself for the Next Decade

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Research published by the British Medical Journal confirms that low vitamin D levels obtained in the past are a risk factor for developing colon cancer in the future.  Even more significant is that vitamin A, even in relatively low amounts, can reduce vitamin D’s reduced rates of colon cancer. This is the largest study to date showing that vitamin A blocks the benefits of vitamin D.

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Does Sun Exposure Really Cause Melanoma?

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In this 5 minute audio interview, Dr. Robert Heaney explains why sunshine has been wrongly accused of being the main culprit in causing deadly skin cancer, melanoma.

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Solar Activity Affects Humans Physical and Mental State

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Earth Changes Media shares new research published in the NewScientist that indicates a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human biological effect. The magnetic fields of human have been shown to respond to the changes in the Sun’s magnetic field. Solar storms and solar flares are hypothesized to have a direct effect on the mental and emotional health of humans.

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Does Too Much Sun Really Cause Melanoma?

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Sam Shuster, a consultant dermatologist at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, argues that sun exposure is not the major cause of malignant melanoma.

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When the Sun shakes

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Research scientists studying the Sun have found that the Sun is shaking – vibrating like a colossal musical instrument. Scientists are learning from our Sun and will be able to measure the interiors of other stars.

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How Sunshine and Vitamin D Can Help You Eliminate Mercury

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Accumulating data have provided evidence that vitamin D is involved in brain function. Vitamin D can inhibit the synthesis of inducible nitric oxide synthase and increase glutathione levels, suggesting a role for the hormone in brain detoxification.

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Study finds that Sunlight Actually Prevents Cancer

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Insufficient exposure to ultraviolet radiation may be an important risk factor for cancer in Western Europe and North America, according to a new study published in the prominent Cancer journal that directly contradicts official advice about sunlight.

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The Neglected Nutrient, Part 1: Vitamin D vs. Cancer

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Vital Choices health food company and publisher has written a series of information-packed articles on the scientific research connecting sunlight, vitamin D and human health.  This article focuses on the cancer research and the health benefits of vitamin D from sunlight.

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Slash Your Prostate Cancer Risk — With Sunlight!

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A new study published in the British Journel of Cancer shows that high levels of Vitamin D can reduce the likelihood of death from prostate cancer by 7 times.

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Solar Activity Affects Humans Physical and Mental State

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A recent study published on December 12, 2008 in the NewScientist, indicates a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human biological effect.

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First Sungazing Survey (2004)

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Here are some preliminary results from the first Sungazer’s survey administered by the Sungazing list group in 2004. The answers from 56 sungazers are presented in a simple question-by-question analysis of answer percentages.

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Dr. Herbert Shelton on Sunbathing

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Dr. Herbert Shelton is commonly referred to as the father of the modern Natural Hygiene movement.  In 1934, Dr. Shelton first published his book on Fasting and Sunbathing.

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The Neglected Nutrient Part 3: Vitamin D vs. PMS

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Research released in 2005 from Harvard University shows a relationship between low vitamin D intake and increased PMS.  The Vital Choices newsletter shares this research in their third article on sunlight, vitamin D, and human health.

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Living on Light Research with HRM

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The following research was done on Hira Ratan Manek, a Jain man who spent 411 under constant medical supervision while he ‘fasted’ on only water and solar energy.

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The Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D eBook

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An exclusive interview with Dr. Michael Holick, provided by By Mike Adams, The Health Ranger.

Dr. Michael Holick is the author of “The UV Advantage” and one of the world’s most respected authorities on vitamin D and the health benefits of natural sunlight.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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