Sunlight Saunas changes name to Sunlighten. Very Auspicious.

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For 2010, Sunlight Saunas – creators of the Solo Carbon Far Infrared Sauana – changed their business name to Sunlighten. The Sun Yogi, creator of, has been a very happy user of Sunlight Saunas for over 5 years and continues to use his Sunlight Sauna Solo Carbon Far Infrared Sauna daily for maximum cellular detoxification and optimal health.

This new name change is synchronisitc and very auspicious.  Sunlighten – Sunlightenment

Be sure to read this article to learn more about Sunlight Saunas / Sunlighten. These Solo Carbon Far Infrared Saunas are simply amazing. I highly recommend one.  Sunlighten Sauna has offices around the world and ships to nearly every country.

Sweating is the body’s safe and natural way to heal, stay healthy, and detox

  • Sweat carries toxins out of the body and pushes it through the pores.
  • Sweating helps the body release heat and keeps your internal core temperature as consistent as needed.
  • The average person has 2.6 million sweat glands. Sweat glands are distributed over the majority of the human body.
  • Skin is the largest organ in the body and it plays a significant part in the detox process.

Detox from a Sunlighten Sauna is 7 to 10 times greater than a conventional sauna because it operates more effectively at temperatures 60 to 80 degrees lower than conventional saunas.

In a Sunlighten Sauna, the average person sweats out 20% toxins and 80% water! In a conventional sauna the average person sweats out 3% toxins and 97% water.

“The most important breakthrough today for detox and health is to do daily far infrared saunas. Heat therapy is probably the most important avenue for detox for abundant health today.”

David Steinman, Publisher of Healthy Living and author of “Safe Trip to Eden: Ten Steps to Save the Planet Earth from the Global Warming Meltdown” and “Diet for a Poisoned Planet – the 21 st Century Edition”

What is Detox?

Detox can be used as a tool to help relieve symptoms AND as a preventative tool to increase overall health, vitality, and resistance to disease.

Detox is a widely used treatment and concept in alternative medicine. The leading detox principle is that illnesses can be caused by the build-up of toxic substances – or toxins – in the body.

Why Detoxify?

Detox can be helpful for people suffering from diseases and conditions, including:

  • Allergies
  • Depression
  • Low blood sugar
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Digestive disorders
  • Arthritis
  • Heart disease
  • Mental illness
  • Asthma
  • High cholesterol
  • Obesity
  • Chronic infections

Detox therapy is also useful for those suffering from immune system problems that include chronic fatigue syndrome, environmental illness/multiple chemical sensitivity, and fibromyalgia.

The United States Centers for Disease Control estimate that over 80% of all illnesses have environmental and lifestyle causes.

Therefore, detox has also become a prominent treatment as people have become more aware of environmental pollution.

For example, it is estimated that one in every four Americans suffers from some level of heavy metal poisoning, including mercury, lead, cadmium and aluminum.

Toxins in the body also include chemical pollutants such as pesticides, DDT, PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) and food additives. Drugs and alcohol also have toxic effects in the body.

To learn more about Sunlighten Saunas, please email the SunYogi, creator of or call Sunlight Saunas / Sunlighten Medical Sales Representative Joey Thomas at 1-877.292.0020 extension 138.

Please tell her that Lincoln Gergar referred you. You will receive great customer support and receive additional savings on your purchase.

Or visit Sunlighten Saunas website

Sunlight Saunas / Sunlighten has offices in Europe, Australia and numerous other countries around the world. Have a Sunlight Sauna / Sunlighten product shipped to you in nearly any country.

The SunYogi has been using Sunlight Saunas for personal and clinical detoxification since 2006.

“I have never felt cleaner than after I am in my Sunlight Sauna.” – SunYogi


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This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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