January 29th, 2025 by SunYogi

Around the world, the farther one gets from the equator, the more likely you are to find people with high blood pressure. Lack of exposure to ultraviolet light may actually contribute to the rise in blood pressure in higher latitudes, according to a new theory from an Alabama researcher.
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January 28th, 2025 by SunYogi

In recent years, Prahlad Jani of India has shocked the scientific community. Prahlad Jani has the unique ability to live without the need for food nor water. He claims to have lived for over 60 years without any form of physical nourishment. Prahlad Jani claims that he gets his energy from his brain – an ancient yoga technique called amrita.
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January 26th, 2025 by SunYogi

This article by Dr. Mitchell Gibson tells how the hidden nature of sunlight holds an important key to higher human evolution. Part 1 of this article looks at the five major components of Sunlight: Information Factors, Universal Forces, Energetic Factors, Evolutionary Factors, and Enlightenment Factors.
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January 21st, 2025 by SunYogi

Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800–August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.
The Healing Power of the Sunlight is one of Jakob’s books, which discusses the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of sunlight and ways to effectively use the sunlight for healing and spiritual awakening.
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January 21st, 2025 by SunYogi

Sun gazer Hira Ratan Manek is intereviewed by Mirian Knight, author for New Connexion: Pacific Northwest’s Journel of Conscious Living. HRM answers 15 questions about the sun gazing practice and it’s benefit to humanity.
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January 21st, 2025 by SunYogi

This information-packed article by Dr. Bernarr shares the remarkable discoveries of over a dozen health care practitioners throughout medical history, including Dr. Herbert Shelton, Dr. C. W. Saleeby, Arnold Rickli, Bernarr McFadden, Hippocrates. Part 2 of this article shares how the sun improves human health and heals disease. Muscle strength, tissue health, eyesight, mental and emotional health are all improved with proper sunbathing. While using sunblock, sunscreen, suntan lotion, and sunglasses have been proven harmful to the body.
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January 17th, 2025 by SunYogi

The Essene Gospel Of Peace is a Holy Book of the Essene sect of Christianity. In this book, Jesus Christ teaches about prayer, purity, fasting, and the Angels of Air, Water, and Sunlight.
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January 16th, 2025 by SunYogi

Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800–August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.
The Healing Power of the Sunlight is one of Jakob’s books, which discusses the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of sunlight and ways to effectively use the sunlight for healing and spiritual awakening.
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January 15th, 2025 by SunYogi

Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800–August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.
The Healing Power of the Sunlight is one of Jakob’s books, which discusses the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of sunlight and ways to effectively use the sunlight for healing and spiritual awakening.
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January 13th, 2025 by SunYogi

“The human body is not mere flesh and bones but also has electromagnetic dust, where rays from the Sun (Surya) can cause positive vibrations to balance the body, mind and spirit naturally. [The] human body is a gigantic Atomic Reactor and a moving Power House. Brain is the Generator and heart is the Transmitter”.
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January 11th, 2025 by SunYogi

Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) speaks of the benefits of using sun-charged water. Follow these simple instructions to make your own sun-charged drink.
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January 11th, 2025 by SunYogi

David Sereda shows you how to restructure your own water with the actual sound of the Sun. View this amazing photograph of the crystalline structure of water when it is imprinted with the sound of the Sun.
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January 11th, 2025 by SunYogi

On June 26, 2006, The Discovery Channel aired a documentary featuring Prahlad Jani – a man who has not eaten food nor water for over 60 years. Dr. Sudhir Shah hypothesized that Prahlad Jani is receiving nourishment from the sun – similar to the sun yogi Hira Ratan Manek.
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January 10th, 2025 by SunYogi

This article by Wayne Purdin examines how the pineal and other endocrine glands secrete other hormones during sungazing, which create not just a high, but greater energy, longevity and experiences of samadhi or higher consciousness.
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January 9th, 2025 by SunYogi

Read a short article on the six of the sun’s most important functions.
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January 2nd, 2025 by SunYogi

Henri Monfort is a breatharian and shaman. For 3 months and 3 weeks Henri has lived without drinking water, and over 9 years without eating food. In this text interview learn how Henri understands breatharianism and the Universe.
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December 31st, 2024 by SunYogi

Barbara Moore, M.D. of London, was a modern-day Breatharian – eating no physical food by using the energy in air and sunlight for her body’s needs. The 1975 book “Survival into the 21st Century” by Viktoras Kulvinskas shares this information about the possibility of and transition to living on air and sunlight energy.
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December 29th, 2024 by SunYogi

Research into the healing effects of far infrared energy have proven that this band of frequency helps to body detoxify harmful chemicals and toxins. Sunlight Saunas brand of far infrared saunas has proven to be the most effective sauna on the market today. Because Sunlight Saunas operate at temperatures 60 to 80 degrees lower than conventional saunas and use specialized far infrared waves, the detoxification is from 7 to 10 times greater.
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December 28th, 2024 by SunYogi

Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800–August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.
The Healing Power of the Sunlight is one of Jakob’s books, which discusses the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of sunlight and ways to effectively use the sunlight for healing and spiritual awakening.
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December 27th, 2024 by SunYogi

Like plants, the human body not only needs water; it also needs sunlight. The near-infrared rays in sunlight actually penetrate your skin and structure the water in your cells. In this way, sun exposure plays an important role in your body’s energy production. As noted by Dr Pollack, cells actually act as “light-driven batteries.”
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