2012: doomsday or new day

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Wayne Purdin, author and founder of The Sun Center of Phoenix, published this article that shows the correlation between sunspot activity and human consciousness.  Learn how the predicted sunspot activity leading up to 2012 can possibly foretell the monumental events and earth changes that are predicted to come.  This article includes a 10 image slideshow.

2012: doomsday or new day

by Wayne Purdin

There’s been a lot of speculation about what’s going to happen in 2012. Some people think that the sun will explode with massive solar flares and coronal mass ejections that will hit the Earth and cause the magnetic poles to reverse and the physical poles to shift, resulting in tidal waves thousands of feet high that will destroy most of mankind. Next November the movie 2012 will be coming out in theaters. The trailer shows a Tibetan Buddhist monk in a monastery on the peak of a mountain, ringing a warning bell. In the background you can see an immense tidal wave washing over the Himalayas and eventually it reaches the monastery and destroys it. I don’t know about you, but I don’t plan on watching 2012 when it comes out. It’s a doomsday movie in the same vein as the movie The Day After. The trailer sends the message that not even the prayers of monks can turn back the tide and even their remote mountain retreat isn’t safe. I don’t buy it. Scientists predict that the solar max of 2012 will be worse than the violent one of 2001, but it won’t be the end of the world. It may disable satellites and disrupt communication, transportation, power grids, the internet and even ATM machines. Also, violent weather disturbances, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions may increase, and global warming, which is actually solar system warming may increase, causing the poles to melt and coastal cities to flood. But it won’t cause cataclysm or incinerate the Earth as depicted in another doomsday movie, Knowing. It’s easy for people to become fearful about the sun and for movie producers to capitalize on that fear by twisting the facts, because the sun can be extremely violent during a solar max. Last April, I gave a presentation on 2012 at the Hearts Center conference in Phoenix. This article is taken from that presentation. As you read the article, click on the slide show below to view accompanying pictures.

The was taken during the solar max of 2001. The solar max of 2012 is predicted to be more violent.

The was taken during the solar max of 2001. The solar max of 2012 is predicted to be more violent.


The amount of energy contained in one solar flare is mind-boggling. The largest flare has as much energy as 100 billion Hiroshima size atomic bombs. Coronal mass ejections or CMEs are related to flares but can contain up to 10 billion tons of gas and a strong magnetic field. While the X-rays from flares reach earth in about 8 minutes, CMEs can take one to two days. Fortunately, the Earth’s ionosphere and magnetic field act as shields that deflect most of the radiation and particles from the sun. However, as you saw in the movie clip, satellites and astronauts are vulnerable, and powerful flares and CMEs can get through to cause power blackouts. Flares are associated with sunspots, which are disturbances in the magnetic field of the sun that are a result of a build up of tension.

Until recently, no one knew for sure what caused sunspots. Neither did they know why they increased to a peak every 11.1 years on average. The heliophysics of sunspots was advanced by the work of Maurice Cotterell a mathematician and physicist at Cranfield University. Cotterell had access to satellite data that provided him with information on how the Sun’s various forces interact with each other. He compared the known speed of rotation at the Sun’s equator against the known speed of rotation at the Sun’s poles. Because the Sun is a gaseous, fluid body, it moves quicker at the equator, and slower at the poles. The satellite data confirmed that it takes about 26 Earth days for the Sun to make one full turn at the equator, and about 37 Earth days for the Sun to make one full turn at the poles.

Sunspots are formed by twisting lines of magnetic force as the sun's poles rotate slower than the equator.

Sunspots are formed by twisting lines of magnetic force as the sun's poles rotate slower than the equator.


The result of this difference in rotation is a twisting of the lines of force of the sun’s magnetic field. Cotterell’s theory of sunspots, shared by many other scientists, involves seeing the magnetic lines of force on the Sun as though they were “rubber bands” being subject to twisting and intertwining. Some of these “rubber bands” would run North to South, and others East to West. So, as the Equator spins at a faster speed than the poles, so too will the vertical and horizontal lines of magnetic force continue to twist and tangle up into each other like a giant braid. When the tension gets too high, there is a sudden snap, releasing the pent-up energy in the form of flares and CMEs. The precursor to this sudden release is a sunspot, which usually shows up in two nearby places at once. These two spots correspond to the two edges of the arc that is created when the magnetic, twisted braid of energy “bulges” out of the Sun.

One sunspot can be larger than Earth. It appears dark but it's just not as bright as the surrounding plasma

One sunspot can be larger than Earth. It appears dark but it's just not as bright as the surrounding plasma.


This slide shows a typical sunspot pair. Note that each spot is larger than the Earth.

A coronal mass ejections can be thousands of miles long and travel at speeds up to two million miles per hour.

A coronal mass ejections can be thousands of miles long and travel at speeds up to two million miles per hour.


This slide shows a prominence, which is an arm of plasma that extends beyond the surface of the sun and can be ejected as a CME. So the tension in the magnetic braids gradually builds up over 11 years, and, during the solar max, lets loose with flares and CMEs. Cotterell found that besides the 11-year sunspot cycle, there are longer cycles of 187 years, 3740 years, and 11,000 years.

Solar flare 9393 was the most violent on record. If it had hit Earth, it would have caused catastrophic damage.

Solar flare 9393 was the most violent on record. If it had hit Earth, it would have caused catastrophic damage.


Cotterell believes we are at the peak of a major 11,000-year sunspot cycle. Sunspots have been more common in the past seven decades than at any time in the last 9,000 years, according to a new historic reconstruction of solar activity based on carbon 14 analysis and the angular momentum of the large planets. Carbon 14 is found in fossilized vegetation and indicates the amount of cosmic rays that reached the surface of the earth when the vegetation was alive. The amount of Carbon 14 is inversely proportional to solar activity, because intense solar activity pushes cosmic rays away from the Earth. The angular momentum of the large planets like Jupiter and Saturn is directly proportional to solar activity because it has a pulling effect on the sun. Just imagine that you’re the sun and you’re spinning around holding two buckets of water, representing Jupiter and Saturn. If your arms are straight out and they’re in opposition, the tension on you is balanced and not much would happen on the sun. But if you move your arms out a bit so that they are more in a trine aspect, the angular momentum will put a lot of tension on you and pull you off balance and the sun will have more flares and CMEs. The last solar cycle, number 23 was very violent

Past solar activity can be reconstructed from carbon 14 levels and the angular momentum of the large planets.

Past solar activity can be reconstructed from carbon 14 levels and the angular momentum of the large planets.


On April 2nd, 2001, solar flare number 9393 broke all records for brightness and intensity, weighing in at the unheard-of -X-class of 22. This was literally off the scale. The measurement scale had previously only been designed to go to a maximum of 20. This flare was considered the largest of its kind ever observed, earning it the name “mega-flare.” It was nearly three times more powerful than the March 1989 flare, which totally shut down Quebec’s power grid, knocking out power to six million people. The CME associated with flare 9393 contained 10 billion tons of plasma, about as much material as Mount Everest, and it was ejected at a speed of 11 million miles per hour. Fortunately, it didn’t hit the Earth. If it had, it would have caused widespread power outages and disabled and shortened the life of many satellites. For 100s of million of people on the grid and who depend on satellites for communication and transportation, this would have been inconvenient at best and life-threatening at worst.

The next 11-year sunspot cycle, number 24, is projected to be 30% to 50% stronger than the last cycle, based on an accurate computer model. Thus, we can expect a lot more of the off-the-scale X class megaflares and CMEs. So we need to be prepared, not for doomsday, but for living off the grid and without communication and transportation for a while. That’s the bad news. The good news is that Solar Cycle 24 may mark the beginning of a golden age.

During most of the 1400's, there was no solar activity. This was the depths of the Dark Ages. The peak around 1600 was the only bright spot, the Renaissance.

During most of the 1400's, there was no solar activity. This was the depths of the Dark Ages. The peak around 1600 was the only bright spot, the Renaissance.


Cotterell compared the peaks and troughs of the sunspot cycle over thousands of years with the rise and fall of civilizations. He found that high solar activity correlated exactly with a renaissance in the sciences, arts, literature, freedom and spirituality. Low sunspot activity seemed to be linked with periodic ‘Dark Ages’. In this slide, we see virtually no solar activity from around 1400 to 1480 AD, which was the time of the Black Death, the beginning of African slavery in Europe and the Inquisition. This was followed by the discovery of America and the Renaissance when there was a peak of solar activity.

Two peaks of solar activity around 400 and 600 B.C. saw the births of many great philosophers and statesmen.

Two peaks of solar activity around 400 and 600 B.C. saw the births of many great philosophers and statesmen.


This slide shows two peaks of solar activity between 600 BC and 400 BC. This was the time of Gautama Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Pythagoras, and Mahavira, the Jain saint who taught sun gazing. It was also the time of the emerging democracies in Greece and Rome and peace treaties between Athens and Sparta and Persia and her enemies.

The last time solar activity was this intense was the golden age after the ice age when the pyramid builders did what modern technology can't.

The last time solar activity was this intense was the golden age after the ice age when the pyramid builders did what modern technology can't.


Going way back to 9000 B.C., we see a large spike in solar activity, similar to what we’re experiencing now. This was the golden age after the end of the Ice Age. It was the time of the pyramid builders in the Americas and Egypt and the solar civilization in India under Rama and Vashishta

Records of sunspots over the past 400 years indicate peaks during key milestones in the progress of civilization.

Records of sunspots over the past 400 years indicate peaks during key milestones in the progress of civilization.


In this next chart we can see a few peaks in the last 400 years. One was in 1776 when the United States of America was founded. Another was in 1836, when the Republic of Texas was founded. A third was in 1958 when the Summit Lighthouse was founded.

Thus, from this, Cotterell inferred that solar radiation somehow has an effect on human consciousness giving us greater creativity, intuition and insight to bring about a golden age civilization. But he didn’t know what this effect was. This effect is explained in an article I published in the Spring, 2009 issue of the Sun Gazette called “The Hidden Reality of Sunlight.” It was written by Dr. Mitchell Gibson, a student of sungazing researcher Gene Savoy. This article can be read at www.suncenterofphoenix.com

So what’s going to happen in 2012? Well, besides a spike in solar activity, we know that the solar system will be crossing the galactic plane, while also closely conjoining the central sun of the galaxy. Such an galactic alignment happens every 25,800 years, which, oddly enough, is the time it takes light to reach Earth from the central sun. Physicists don’t know what the effects will be. But Omraam knew. He knew that the Earth would soon be entering a region of space with a higher vibration and the energies of Aquarius and we would leave the dark space of Kali Yuga.

This is what he said “The Age of Aquarius will soon be upon us and the tremendous upheavals accompanying it will oblige human beings to understand the reality of the invisible world and the laws that govern it. But the beauty, splendour and harmony of the new life that will emerge from these upheavals will be beyond anything imagined by man. All those who have been secretly working for the coming of the Kingdom of God throughout the world will join forces and work together, and the bastions of ignorance, materialism and despotism will crumble and collapse. And it will be: nothing can prevent the coming of the new era, the new Golden Age.”

So I’m not worried about earth changes and solar flares in 2012. To me this is just the birth pangs of the golden age, the passion and death before the resurrection. But this doesn’t mean we should just sit on our hands and wait for it to happen. We must be up and doing. We must prepare for any emergency with our three-week and three-month plans, while at the same time, laying the groundwork for model sustainable communities of the Holy Spirit that will form the foundation of a golden age solar civilization. Each of us can be pillars in this foundation by taking on the qualities of the sun. Becoming a sun is also the key to surviving the solar max of 2012.

This article is written by Wayne Purdin, founder of The Sun Center of Phoenix.

Source: http://www.examiner.com/x-17576-Phoenix-Alternative-Religions-Examiner~y2009m7d24-2012-doomsday-or-new-day


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Latest 2012 doomsday news – 2012: doomsday or new day | How To Survive 2012 said:

on September 5th, 2009

[…] 2012: doomsday or new day […]

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