Ancient texts in India say Jesus Christ was a sun gazer

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In Swami Nirmalananda Giri’s article The Christ of India, Swami presents research that claims that Jesus Christ was a practicing sun gazer.  Sun gazing was a common practice in the Essene sect of early Christianity.

The Essenes had many practices that were similiar to the schools of yoga in Inida, including:

“They believed that the sun was a divine manifestation, imparting spiritual powers to both body and mind. They faced the rising and setting sun and recited prayers of worship, refusing, upon rising in the morning, to speak a single word until the conclusion of those prayers. They did not consider the sun was a god, but a symbol of the One God of Light and Life. It was, though, felt that appropriate prayers directed toward the sun would evoke a divine response. (See Jesus’ words to the king of Kashmir as recorded in the Bhavishya Maha Purana that are given later on.)”

One ancient book of Kashmiri history, the Bhavishya Maha Purana, gives the following account of the meeting of a king of Kashmir with Jesus sometime after the middle of the first century:

“When the king of the Sakas came to the Himalayas, he saw a dignified person of golden complexion wearing a long white robe. Astonished to see this foreigner, he asked, ‘Who are you?’ The dignified person replied in a pleasant manner: ‘Know me as Son of God [Isha Putram], or Born of a Virgin [Kumarigarbhasangbhawam]. Being given to truth and penances, I preached the Dharma to the mlecchas….O King, I hail from a land far away, where there is no truth, and evil knows no limits. I appeared in the country of the mlecchas as Isha Masiha [Jesus Messiah] and I suffered at their hands. For I said unto them, ‘”Remove all mental and bodily impurities. Remember the Name of our Lord God. Meditate upon Him Whose abode is in the center of the sun.”‘*  There in the land of mleccha darkness, I taught love, truth, and purity of heart. I asked human beings to serve the Lord. But I suffered at the hands of the wicked and the guilty. In truth, O King, all power rests with the Lord, Who is in the center of the sun. And the elements, and the cosmos, and the sun, and God Himself, are forever. Perfect, pure, and blissful, God is always in my heart. Thus my Name has been established as Isha Masiha.’ After having heard the pious words from the lips of this distinguished person, the king felt peaceful, made obeisance to him, and returned.”

*Bhavishya Maha Purana 3.2.9-31

To read the entire article by Swami Nirmalananda Giri, visit the Atma Jyoti website.



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This entry was posted on Saturday, January 18th, 2025 at 2:57 am and is filed under Articles, Research.

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One Comment

cybermikan said:

on June 13th, 2009

My dear people, do safe sungazing by HRM methode and you will have good health and live longer without any disease! I am on 17 min. and 20 sec. of sungazing and don´t require any food any more, just drink a little couple of tea on a day!

It´s truth man can live without any food!


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