Dr. Christopher Schneider: A Breatharian Scientist

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Dr. Christopher Schneider is a chemist, Naturopath and breatharian coach living in Germany. In the summer of 1998, Dr. Schneider performed the 21 Day Process as taught by Jasmuheen and has since been living as a breatharian. In this 4-part video by Supreme Master Television we listen to Dr. Schneider and learn about his experience as a breatharian, breatharian coach, and Naturopathic healer.

Dr. Christopher Schneider: A Breatharian Scientist

Supreme Master TV

Update: A new internationally acclaimed film on breatharianism is now available – In the Beginning There Was Light.  Watch the entire film here. http://muvi.es/w5108/273414

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


Source: http://suprememastertelevision.com/bmd/?wr_id=704


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