Wonder diet: Living on thin air

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Prahlad Jani has not had a single drop of water for the past 65 years.   In November 2003, Prahlad Jani agreed to participate in a scientific research study led by twenty-one specialists.  Prahlad Jani spent 10 days under twenty-four hours of observation where he ingest no food or water.  This article published in The Times of India newspaper tells more.

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Jericho Sunfire: Transitioning to Breatharianism

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In his second interview by Supreme Master TV, breatharian Jericho Sunfire speaks about his transition from a diet of solid food to fruitarian to liquidarian to breatharian. This video interview will share you with the psychological and physical changes that Jericho Sunfire experienced as he works towards becoming a breatharian.

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BBC News – Fasting fakir flummoxes physicians

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Prahlad Jani, a holy man, who is over 70 years old, spent 10 days under constant observation in a hospital in India. During that time, he did not consume food or water and did not pass urine or stool. Doctors claim that Prahlad Jani is in good mental and physical health.

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Serving Spirit: Breatharians in our Midst

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Norma Gentile is a professional singer and musician, recording artist, meditation teacher, energy healer and channeler. In 2003, Norma Gentile worked with Elitom Ben Yisrael to record the 2 CD audioclass Breatharian Meditations. In this article, Norma shares her experience while working with Elitom Ben Yisrael – a breatharian shaman. This article provides important information about the process of becoming a breatharian – teaching that breatharianism is much more than simply not eating food.

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Breatharian Meditations – An Audioclass 2 CD Set

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A breatharian since 2001, Elitom Ben Yisrael has released a 2 CD audioclass called Breatharian Meditations. In this audioclass, Elitom Ben Yisrael teaches about the breatharian state and leads guided meditations to help you discover the spiritual energies inside you and surrounding you. Better understand the process of living without eating physical food with the help of Elitom Ben Yisrael, a breatharian shaman and holistic healer.

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Meeting with the Guru who neither eats nor drinks – Prahlad Jani

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In recent years, Prahlad Jani of India has shocked the scientific community. Prahlad Jani has the unique ability to live without the need for food nor water. He claims to have lived for over 60 years without any form of physical nourishment. Prahlad Jani claims that he gets his energy from his brain – an ancient yoga technique called amrita.

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Jericho Sunfire:A Breatharian Personal Fitness Guru

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Supreme Master TV features Jericho Sunfire in the television series Between Master and Disciples. In this video interview, we meet Jericho Sunfire – a breatharian and fitness guru living in the United Kingdom.

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Akahi and Camila present Alegria* Tv Show #2 Introducing Breatharianism to the World

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Learn about Breatharianism by two of the world’s most well known breatharians Akahi and Camila in the 2nd episode of their internet television show Alegria*.

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Life Style Without Food ebook

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Breatharian researcher and author Joachim M Werdin presents a detailed look at the process of becoming a breatharian – a person who lives on cosmic light/prana/chi/ether.  

The motto of this book: I am the Consciousness and everything else is my creation.

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Victor Truviano: A Breatharian from Argentina (video)

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For over 3 years, Victor Truviano has not eaten food. Victor Truviano lives as a breatharian in Argentina. In this video, Victor Truviano teaches us about his experience as a breatharian and the process that he undertook to reach this spiritual goal.

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Live Your Mastery Now Workshop with Akahi & Camila in Sedona, AZ

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Breatharians Akahi and Camila Salas will be holding 3 events in Sedona, Arizona from June 28 – July 11. Events includes 90 minute seminar about breatharianism, 1 day workshop for deeper knowledge and techniques for breatharianism, and a 8 day breatharian-guided pranic process. It is very rare that a breatharian holds events like this.

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Akahi* & Camila Pranic Consciousness (video)

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In this 33 minute video on breatharianism, world-famous breatharians Akahi and Camila Castillos talk about the science behind pranic consciousness. Recorded at the Nutopia Gathering of the Rainbow Warriors.

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CHANNEL 4 Sunyogi Umashankar Interview (video)

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Sunyogi Umashankar is one of India’s most well known sun gazers and yogis. In 1995, Umashankar began his sun gazing practice after noticing how the rising sun gave him energy during his morning meditations. In just over 1 year, Sunyogi Umashankar successfully stopped eating physical food and lived on sunlight energy alone. In this 2010 video interview, Sunyogi Umashankar speaks about his experience with sun gazing, breatharianism, and yoga.

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The Solar Path of Liberation by Swami Nirmalananda Giri

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The book Om Yoga – Its Theory and Practice by Swami Nirmalananda Giri contains a section called “The Solar Path of Liberation”. This section shares knowledge from the inner yoga teachings and Upanishads about the significance of the Sun. “As the germinating seed struggles upward toward the sun and out into its life-giving rays, so all higher forms of life reach out for the sun, which acts as a metaphysical magnet, drawing them upward and outward toward ever-expanding consciousness. Sunlight is the radiant form of Om, so the sun initiates the entire solar system into Om.”

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Jericho Sunfire: The Process: My Breatharian Initiation.

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Jericho Sunfire achieved the breatharian state after a process of body detoxification through dietary changes.  Jericho Sunfire began his process by following fruitarian diet, changing to a liquidarian diet, and then moving into the food-free and water-free breatharian state.  In the final section of Jericho Sunfire’s The Process video series, learn about the changes that Jericho experienced as he transitioned into a breatharian diet and what it is like living as a food-free and water-free breatharian.

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Jasmuheen on the Western Breatharian – video

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This video by Jasmuheen teaches the fundamentals of breatharianism – the practice of being fed and nourished by life force energy (prana, chi, qi). This 6 minute video introduces some of the more well-known breatharians and pranic nourishers, such as Giri Bala, Prahlad Jani, Ram Bahadur Bomjam (The Buddha Boy), Zinaida Baranova, Hira Ratan Manek (HRM).

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Researchers Find Miracles in Yogi’s Fasting

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Prahlad Jani, a breatharian yogi, has been studied twice by medical doctors and scientists – once in 2003 and again in 2010. During these strict studies, Prahlad Jani demonstrated that he does not eat food or drink water. Also, Prahlad Jani did not urine or defecate during these studies. Modern science has difficulty explaining this yogi’s abilities and call it a “miracle in the science.”

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Jericho Sunfire: A Story of a Breatharian Warrior – ebook

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In 2010, Jericho Sunfire published his first ebook called Jericho Sunfire: A Story of a Breatharian Warrior. In this 66 page ebook, Jericho Sunfire shares his story: his personal journey from a cooked food eater to fruitarian to liquidarian to breatharian and his personal opinions of the body’s ability to live food free. Learn how Jericho Sunfire conquered his mind and body’s addiction to food to reach the a higher state of breatharian health.

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Breatharianism & Saving the Planet

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Jericho Sunfire, a practicing breatharian, speaks at the Vegetarian forum in Copenhagan as a part of the COP 15 Climate Change Summit about the many benefits of breatharianism. In this 33 minute video, Jericho Sunfire will teach you about how breatharianism is one powerful method of saving the planet by reducing pollution, reducing waste, revitalizing the soil, and stopping addictive behaviors that are wasting our planet’s resources.

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Elitom Ben Yisrael: Challenges in Transitioning to Breatharianism (video)

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In his second video on Supreme Master TV, breatharian Elitom Ben Yisrael discusses the process of transitioning to become a breatharian. Elitom shares a very detailed look at the actual breatharian process, what to expect when transitioning, and how to overcome the challenges to become a successful breatharian.

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Dr. Christopher Schneider: A Breatharian Scientist

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Dr. Christopher Schneider is a chemist, Naturopath and breatharian coach living in Germany. In the summer of 1998, Dr. Schneider performed the 21 Day Process as taught by Jasmuheen and has since been living as a breatharian. In this 4-part video by Supreme Master Television we listen to Dr. Schneider and learn about his experience as a breatharian, breatharian coach, and Naturopathic healer.

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What is Sunlightenment?

This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. All information is given in the spirit of the Sun, whom shares its Light and Love without restriction. May all of humanity benefit from the enlightening energy of the Sun and the wisdom of all beings who share in this service of Sun Yoga.

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