Jericho Sunfire:A Breatharian Personal Fitness Guru

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Supreme Master TV features Jericho Sunfire in the television series Between Master and Disciples. In this video interview, we meet Jericho Sunfire – a breatharian and fitness guru living in the United Kingdom.

Jericho Sunfire began his journey towards breatharianism by changing to a fruitarian diet. After a decade of living on raw fruits, Jericho Sunfire transitioned to a diet of raw liquids and then only water. Currently, Jericho Sunfire lives as a breatharian and an example of what is possible for human beings.

Update: A new internationally acclaimed film on breatharianism is now available – In the Beginning There Was Light.  Watch the entire film here.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Disclaimer: This site is for the sole purpose of showing the possibilities and benefits that abstaining from a diet of cooked/processed foods have on the mind, body, soul and also the environment. The information provided on Breatharianism is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as full tuition and should not be relied upon as medical advice. Jericho Sunfire does not promote or teach Breatharianism. Please do not use any of the information provided in this site to become a Breatharian. If you utilize any information provided in this site, you do so at your own risk and you specifically waive any right to make any claim against Jericho Sunfire, his officers, directors, employees or representatives as the result of the use of such information.



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