Jasmuheen on the Western Breatharian – video

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This video by Jasmuheen teaches the fundamentals of breatharianism – the practice of being fed and nourished by life force energy (prana, chi, qi). This 6 minute video introduces some of the more well-known breatharians and pranic nourishers, such as Giri Bala, Prahlad Jani, Ram Bahadur Bomjam (The Buddha Boy), Zinaida Baranova, Hira Ratan Manek (HRM).

Jasmuheen on the Western Breatharian

Update 21 May 2014: Jasmuheen is featured in the film In the Beginning There Was Light.  Watch the entire film here. http://muvi.es/w5108/273414

Jasmuheen shares a little about the Western Breatharian, what a breatharian and pranic nourisher is, why they do this, the personal and global benefits, who is doing it and more ….

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd86bQx7iqg


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