Jasmuheen Interview with Paula Gloria – video

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This 32 minute long video interview features Jasmuheen, a world famous pranic nourisher. Since the early 1970’s, Jasmuheen has been researching and experimenting with ancient, alternative nourishment sources that can feed us all – including breatharianism. Jasmuheen teaches that there is a free, limitless inner resource that can release us from many perceived human limitations. This energy source is prana.

Living on Love instead of food blows most people’s minds yet this is what Jasmuheen’s life mission is about. It was Paula Gloria’s great joy to be able to have a discussion with a lady who avoids the word “Breatharian” yet whose journey on the spiritual path has tremendous implications for a suffering world, addicted to power and passion and whose accomplishment points to the importance of being able to love with the power of God.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbGaN02yNV0


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